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Everything posted by Swap

  1. Walker plox ;>
  2. I think the last version of walker had that option (pets options/pet buffs) already, not sure aswell.
  3. Thx, works perfectly!
  4. Anyone know a script to use cp potions like mana potions? If no just the id or how to find it, that would be great. Cumpz
  5. I got the igw but walker nope. lol =/
  6. Don't work.
  7. That's retail... And isn't soo good at all =/. He played on lineage2world and he got donated gear by donation as far as i know... but i didn't see him pooning so much there ^^ guess his just a retarded who can't see l2 as a game.
  8. U can open more... but can u play with them openned? =/ Nah right? Cuz minimized l2 doesn't need so much memory so u can open 1/2/3/4... till it crash, try open them all at "window screen mode" and sow us that screen ;) All at window screen mode i can open a 6 :(
  9. SPS 4 life i beat all thoose archer's with a sps even with without cancel, about archer canceling with a hero heapon was just a comment that a few guys said to me, i don't play there for a fee weeks already =/ Just wondering why instable /an1ky left since they are on the top... BB , then , I know when im not welcome! ^^ PS; what can i say i hate donations and u server have too much.
  10. 900+ not bad at all =/ but i still doubt thooses 900 are real players... and if u don't know what im talking about then just /ban. U was part from l2u gm team or whatever u want to call it don't denied it not to mencion that u edit post's from ppl on l2u think about it before u ask me to post =/ And u do care about what im talking otherwise u would't post here defending ur server , and ur server it's not balanced cuz and archer with all the epic stuff = god mod and how about archers canceling(removing buffs) with a heroe weapon ridicoulus? oh no u want a server with full new stuff so now sps and archers are cancel bots? ^^ It's just pathetic.
  11. I don't get your point at all. If you think my server is not good, why the hell are you posting in here then? Makes no sense... Plus, where did you take all these things from? Yes we have more than 1000+ players at all times, and maybe 700 players in times that people don't play a lot. If you want, I can take a screen of my server and show you, then you can tell me if I'm lying. And what about those "news"? What news did I give that made people leave? Obviously you have no clue what you're talking about... @ akislord: No, you don't need to download the textures in order to play, but if you don't, you won't be able to see the C5 skill icons and vendetta armor textures aswell as zariche animation, etc. I played there. I had all that stuff u call "epic ...". And if u had so much ppl yeah show me a print cuz i doubt, don't count with bots ^^ and btw why does instable,an1ky etc... left? Ur Server is probably done like l2u and u should know why. PS; don't take this as a flame i just don't like the way ur server is, too much "new stuff".
  12. U forgot to mencion 900+ players at sieges and only at good days =/ I played there and half of ppl i know left that cuz of ur "news" like u said in ur last post "Basically an entire NEW experience" and i doubt u got 900+ now not even 600 w/e Go go guys check this out, just don't quit at ur 3 day when u got what's that new stuff lol.
  13. thx ;)
  14. Do u know wich file change colors on (pms/shout/ally chat bla bla...)? I have to edit with a utx editor too? If yes say wich file :P if no say the file and with what i can change it. Cumpz
  15. English pls...
  16. Does anyone know how to change c4 to c6 login screen? I mean the files to had only the login screen. I played on l2forever and they had c6 login screen, after a few days a updated my l2 folder to play on another server and the login was still c6, so if anyone know wich are the files i would appreciate that u reply here. Cumpz.
  17. yo I got it working this is my set.ini: [uSA] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=656 and my options.ini: [Options] Title=L2Walker 10.6.6 Server=STANDART Token=5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B24 OffSet=$0053C390 GMFix=0 Thx bro ;) btw u play there? :P
  18. Lineage and Pes.
  19. iwo_20@hotmail.com
  20. Token - 5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B24 Set.ini at walker LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=656 ServerList=[1]Athena; It works for me that way. PS: still loking for token to l2Vendetta ;x
  21. Hi too all of u xD! Can anyone leave the token for l2vendetta here? ServerAddress= I can't pass from Game Server Login ;x... http://www.l2-vendetta.com/ PS: The Server have less then a mounth as far as i know.
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