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Everything posted by PAC

  1. Delete the topic please :)
  2. WTS lvl 80 Char & Subclass With FULL Forever Heavy & Robe set, Some Forever Weapons plus S weapons with S.A
  3. Wts Feoh SoulTaker Lvl 91 Full tw robe ++ (Metal Apearance ) R wep +4 Water lvl 7 Noblesse & Sub class
  4. Thanks for your advice , I'll try to find a good team and make a Stable enjoyable server for the community that's left. Atm i'm gathering info =)
  5. Is there any c6 w/o corruption atm? Every c6 opens to gain some donations 1-2 weeks and that's it!
  6. This is a Joke, I was playing L2 Elixir Back then, the STAFF was speaking properly English and not in a rude way like you.
  7. About the rates etc, you can reply with an answer =) Thanks for your time!
  8. First of all how do you know the owner's name? Secondly That's not a negative post? hmm..
  9. StuckSubs IS ON!
  10. Non Custom PvP + GVE Open Today! Don't miss it!
  11. Http://l2-godsofwar.net Fresh Interlude NETWORK Opening TOMORROW! Get Ready!
  12. Services are available from now and on again!
  13. Hello, no i don't accept Comments From 1-2 persons that are doing comments for personal purpose
  14. You won't regret it =D
  15. I'm looking for someone who streams and has his own followers, he will get paid for streaming a New Network For more info, pm me!
  16. Advertising Event, PRIZE 300$ For More Info http://l2-godsofwar.net/forum/index.php?topic=4.0
  17. Haters gonna hate O0
  18. Grand Opening Today Don't MISS IT!!! http://l2consortio.com
  19. The Developers and the owner :)
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