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About shkolota

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  1. how much will cost community board for l2jfrozen with: 1) buffer with shemes 2) events, like ctf, dm, capture the flag and etc 3) gm shop, global gatekeeper 4) skill trader, skill enchanter 5) donate menu: change name, color, buy hero, buy noobless and etc...
  2. It's not his work - it's teoma work, topic starter just post patch here, but he coded by teoma with $$$ tool
  3. Again steeling... This is from russian server la2dream
  4. he don't share his work, you just steal it from the patch he make for russian server... Bad, very bad... Maybe you'll share this 613 header tool?
  5. it's not perfect, wrong coordinates of 1) name of the character 2) place of seat
  6. stupid critical, don't you try to get a job? ))) Somebody told me, that there can be good money xD Share your armor, improve this fcking community )
  7. first of all I learn all about textures and animation 1 week ago... So, soon will be my first work - Adaptation Aion weapons pack for IL, RF shields... [RU]Если мозгов нет - Тогда сиди и молчи, я в отличие от некоторых школу с золотой медалью закончил и вуз с красным дипломом, так что мозги у меня работают, в отличие от тебя, долбаеба унылого.
  8. more that 1 year... i think you are very very brainless :D
  9. 3d max - 1 day with norm high skill guy... other tools - half a day... what do you say to me? stupid who? maybe you? go to hell with critical error.. stupid portal
  10. all that was shared - don't work at all... pay 30$ for this and there should not be any visual bugs, bugs with skill enchant, bugs with sql and etc...
  11. Pay 30$ for This, you show me in team viewer - If all is ok - i give money - you give the code
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