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Everything posted by splash8

  1. Hello nekys, the Lineage II Overworld project opened a new server wth name Dragon which is x15 rates and attracted 15000 players when first opened, now server is stable with more than 6000 active players!!! Please don't spend your time updating and working on a server that will never get the half of those numbers...!!! If you want to have a chance which is impossible to reach those numbers at least try to advertise your server in russian and korean forums. Good luck :) The web site for people who are interested in join is : http://translate.google.gr/translate?hl=el&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fl2.overworld.su%2F
  2. Overworld the big russian project opens a new server on 31/03/2012. The server will be x15 and it is estimated for 9000-10000 people online. Check site for more info! http://translate.google.gr/translate?hl=el&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fl2.overworld.su%2F
  3. Check forum Admin is making a hardware update for Test/pvp server, there will be 1k online there and all items will be free,join for pvp or test maybe tomorrow will be up!Check their forum with google translator help xD
  4. 6132 online and it's increasing!! Join!
  5. in the log in screen go to option and change laguange to english, also when in game press .cfg and change RU to EN.Then all will be in english
  6. http://l2.overworld.su/index/page/files/ just click the word updater it will start download and then copy/paste this file in lineage 2 folder x10 is cool sometimes has 7k people on and also there are some international clans there who speak english.
  7. Nekys l2 is old!!! People prefer high rate servers to have fun!! no low rates!!
  8. raid fight is fail, don't join :D
  9. yes i know,now they removed it for this week because of some hardware update they are making but they will add it soon.
  10. 4k online, join!!
  11. Forgot to mention the only negative, the server is ukranian but dont worry ukranian people speak english,russians dont speak english usually :D
  12. This is the best private server at the moment from all aspects, there are no donations that affect game balance, everything is balanced all classes, each server has 5000-7000 players online daily, there is no lag, the server is running for 2 years it is very stable. And now they added 1 Test/pvp server where everything there is free of charge,for example you join one day you make full +20 all skills +30 and pvp/test whatever you like.By the way this test/pvp server has online 1000-1500 people every day and 1 event. At the moment they removed it because of some hardware updates i think but they will add till the end of the week.See you all there!
  13. no this server it 100% corrupted,another server please :)
  14. Looking for a Chronicle 4 middle rate server or pvp server with good community
  15. I would like to present you a server i found,which looks balanced,it has no donates,a great number of online players and almost everything works there. Rates Exp: 200x SP: 200x Adena: 300x Drop: 1x Drop Quest: 30x Spoil: 1x Weight Limit: 7x Manor: 5x Enchant rates are normal/blessed 80% with max enchant +20 and divine scrolls with 100% chance. http://www.la2exilium.com
  16. First of all votes on topzone does not represent the 700 players online,which means players are fake,secondly i logged in and 85% of people are afk(bots),third some hacks work there.Even if the 700 online peak was real,there are other mid rate servers out there with 6k+ online.L2 Apollon will never reach those numbers and most important it will close after 5-6 months.Anyway good luck to your server.
  17. This server sucks,its full of bugs,i dont suggest it.
  18. No i have test 4-5 big russian servers with 5k+ online each one and i find their java envioronment flawless without any bug and skills work like retail.And this is because the server owner and staff get paid for this.Those big server earn from donates like 2500$ every month.
  19. A big online count in a server network means that developers are very good and they have big experience in what they do and people trust them and play there.If a server has a small online count means that server didnt have a proper advertising campaign before grand open or there are bugs or people dont trust the server network.
  20. New server Medea from asterios project had 9k at opening,rpg club has record 10k,overworld has 6-7k online in his 2 server,theonline.ru project etc
  21. Very wonderful projects raid fight and elmoreden with 1k and 150 people online.If those are wonderful projects what are those russian servers with 7k people online each server? xD
  22. I forgot to add,i am playing on test at the moment, nick name is Anel. pm me if you need help or anything.
  23. In changing password phone is not necessary but you can add ip adress(optionally) for security,for example this account to log in only from this ip.The enchant rate on test is 66% with max +20,but there is an ancient scroll you take as reward from event,where it is 76% but if it fails weapon or armor stay the same.
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