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Everything posted by splash8

  1. no they are not fake,they play 10k-12k people daily in those 2 server Light and Rumiel.Also there is a pvp/test server with 500-1k people online daily.In pvp/test server everything is for 1 adena,in 2 hours you are full +20 equipment and +30 skills and you kill all :D.And of course balance is 100% bugs=0,come people i wait you :D
  2. come people join,i need more people :D
  3. Also there is a pvp server in this project where there are 500-1k people online,everything costs 1 adena and there are TvT events there and a lot of pvp.If you don't like farming server x50,you can join pvp,enchants,codex masteries and everything is for 1 adena.Server files are great like retail and all classes are balanced.There is english option where it changes client and everything in english.
  4. I am looking for a pvp server with easy farm,all cronicles are accepatable,with a normal community of online people from 250+,rates from x100+,balanced server with no over-power donates(things in donates that can be obtained in game).If its possible suggest me some servers to try,because i cant find any good server right now.
  5. i was on server's web site 1-2 weeks ago and website looked great,but if its a corrupted server no worth joining
  6. When this server opens,or it is open?it is l2 sevent or l2 unit? l2 sevent website working ( i dont know about server) and l2 unit website doesnt open.
  7. First of all,donators get the same stuff as normal players,i was playing there for 2 weeks and i have top armor,weapon,jewels +20 and most important skills +30 in 2 weeks,playing 3-4 hours every day,farm is not that hard.Yes you are right there are no new people there,but there is no other server(international,not russian) with such a big community,high rate and balanced.
  8. I don't know,i was just looking for a server to play,i checked this server,i logged in there are 500-1k people online,there is a lot of pvp and looks good,so i decided to advertise it here.
  9. Rates and enchants: Exp/Skill points rate is 500x Adena drop rate is 2000x Features Global gatekeeper GmShop NpcBuffer * MagicGem -> Unique Item for Teleporter, Shop, Buffer, Symbol Maker, Skill Enchanter & More!. Check it out. Automated TvT,TvTr, L10S,DM,CTF,BR Hellbound Island and others as Custom Farming Spot 2 Hours Bufftime 26/16 Buffslots 65% Normal Enchant Rate, 70% Blesses Enchant Rate -> Max. +20 Lvl 81/83 Skills! -> Auto learn! Unique GamePlay Unique System for Olympiad. Fair Fights even with High Enchants! All Enchants are +0!! Full Geodata & Pathfinding Much more & more & more.. Just visit us to find out www.l2inc.eu
  10. When you download updater,it updates all your files.After it finishes you press start,you go to options---game and you change languange to english.Then everything is in english.When you connect to game you press .cfg and then you press LAN=EN.There are some polish good clans in the server Rumiel.Also some other international good clans.Server rumiel i think is online for 6-8 months,i am not sure but there 1-2 people with top weapons +16 which is max enchant for armor,weapon,jewels and enchant rate is 66% like retail.
  11. http://translate.google.gr/translate?hl=el&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fl2.overworld.su%2F now?
  12. Yes server is russian and it's the best server at the moment,it is running for 2 years,just press english flag on web site or use google translator.I am playing there for 2 weeks,server looks awesome.If someone decides to start there send me a message here,i can help him.
  13. Server description We have nine high-end servers for all occasions. Live more than 11,000 people daily. Chronicle - High Five, Part 5. Implemented all changes to High Five. Implementing the new epic quest chain Seven Signs High Five! Implemented Dragon Valley / Lair of Antharas, Antharas Valakas and on HF, a new system of the Olympics, all skills, items and other adjustments. Fully working Seed of Infinity - all 5 stages, Seed of Destruction and the Seed of Annihilation. Complete territorial battle. Implemented a mob, eating things - Fortune Bug (Scarab). Many different Events (Saving Snowman, TvT, GvG, Gift of Vitality, LastHero, Glittering Medals, The Fall Harvest, Master Of Enchanting and many more). Working Pailaka, as well as solo and simple Kamaloka. Implemented Frintezza, Sailren, Beleth, Freya (!) And the other bosses. Implemented all the siege (the elite), the clan hall. Implementation of off-and off-trades craft + manager search marketers. The full functioning of the Seven Seals. Work HellBound, including fully offlayk Tower of Naia, Tully Workshop, Tower of Infinitum, Anomic Foundry, along with all the bosses, and other mechanisms. As well as working certification, transformation, and much more! Servers Ramus x5 Light x10 Rumiel x50 Visit website for more information : l2.overworld.su
  14. i am writing ipconfig/flushdns on run and i press enter,also i clean browser history with ccleaner and still nothing,maybe i do something wrong?
  15. I recently try to visit l2.hopzone.net and i receive a message ''Hello mansoor'',i checked an older post with that message and as a solution was writing to restart the internet,i restarted it and i still receive the same message,any suggestions?
  16. free domain name,crazy stats,star-wars server
  17. yes it's 6k people online but 85% of community is russian.But there are some international clans.Also while you vote for server you earn from 0.1-0.3 $ every day and 0.1 $= 1 spcial coin.A few of my friends will come there and we will create an international clan.If someone is interested to join us or join server pm me i can help him.All skills and everything work great and there is no lag at all.
  18. If someone else has any server to suggest i would appreciate it,tnx
  19. no,i am not russian but i cant find a good european server that everything works as it should be.Also i cant find a european server with many players.I am looking for a server which is freya or high five or gracia final with rates between x50-x1000 without custom items like retail with huge community and without overpowered donates.I think the best option is overworld.su or Asterios but asterios donate system isnt so good.If you have any ideas can you suggest me?
  20. He writes max enchant +30 so he can give +30 armors and weapons to his friends,and other people will just have +20 max with a lot of effort :D
  21. Hello,i am thinking to start to this server. www.overworld.su what is your opinion about it?In server Rumiel x50. it has a great voting system,from each vote you can earn 0.1-0.3 $ and its like 6-7k people online without lag.Mostly russian people play but there are some international clans there too.And the site has english option too. tnx for you opinion.
  22. I would like someone to suggest me some populated middle or high rate server that have a lot of people online,like asterios or rpg-club.
  23. yes i understand but there were some problem with ddos attacks,now enter site check all entries. Admin bought new hardware and ddos protection. In my opinion this server is by far one of the best pvp servers and thats because everything is balanced,there are no donates(maybe will be added hair accessories etc),farm is easy and generally server is retail like pvp.just check beta and you will find out :)
  24. Lineage II RaidFight sieghard x1000 is on beta now and is opening on 1st of July. www.raidfight.eu just check it out!
  25. freya ή high five middle-high rate
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