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Everything posted by pYx3L

  1. A Database Error Occurred Error Number: 1054 Unknown column 'accessLevel' in 'field list' INSERT INTO accounts (login, password, lastactive, accessLevel, lastIP) VALUES ( 'PoolBoy', 'Idtx8yEbdUEkP4QWxC/0F3b10gw=', '1365397173', 0, '') Filename: C:\www\l2fortune.com\htdocs\system\database\DB_driver.php Line Number: 330 WTF is THAT THE SERVER IS ON OR OF!!!!
  2. good but try to bing more ppl :D i like the server :D
  3. :))) skills are pretty good i mean ok...sometimes i win sometimes i loose.. :))
  4. you need to fix clan rep points.. dont work
  5. good server :not bad: but low on players... i hope that we will see many more :D
  6. Holy SH!t IF YOU ARE CHOSEN you know ;))
  7. you check my char wtfff....and see that i had reward items and tron stone...
  8. hmm ok cpyxel@hotmail.com
  9. why are you so HATERS!!!!! server is 90% ok and have nice ppl onlne....and about the kids who do you want to play on server 40 years old ppl who have work or family loll what......you are.....HAPTERZZZZ!!!!:) server is great...
  10. http://apps.facebook.com/sunt_nikon/fotografie.php?id=1466&like=1&reft=n cte un like ma care aveti profill de facebuci ;)
  11. soo nighty anything about my items that i farm 2 weeks?¿
  12. chiar cum se face ca nici eu nu stiu :)
  13. unapropiate post...please post about server ....:)
  14. soo you check wtff hapend with my reward and tron stones....and farm item?¿
  15. e plecat la magazin :))...sau la baie.....
  16. you know well what i mean...and if he is still in gm team watch out for him ;)) becouse he is dangerous in your l2jdb :P ;)) have a nice day i reconad this server becouse now i can say that they are working to make the server better....;)) ciu$$
  17. but dont make my char dissapera ok nigga;))
  18. hmm what to say...is a good server...but need to improve much like why the hell necro hits me 3.5k and im full jwls +20 and rezist too...any way the comunity is great manyy manyy ppl here all time 260-280 online...anyway i heard that you kik that noob mortex from gm staff that is a great job...becouse he was the most corupt gm ever he play on my server to i give him acces to db and whwn my sever had 170-180 he started to give him items..and other s!ts....so +1 for kiking mortex out ;)) ciu$$ cya in game
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