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Everything posted by pYx3L

  1. wtff 356 tron stones..gone and like 15k of farm item.......ok so who need items here i trade them with other item on other server...
  2. loll you say no wipe were are my vote reward.... i had 198..now 0...but please dont tell lies...
  3. server seems nice but need ppl :D
  4. bai sa moara gibilan de nu da numa in euro am contu :))=)))..nam cum ca tias da :)
  5. :))=)))) da ma chiar 1 dolar... nui prea mult?¿?¿
  6. http://www.kuponiada.ro/referrer/291671.html dati ma un clik sa ma duc dracului si io in vacanta cu amanta ca sotia mio las acasa cica plec in delegatie ;))=)))
  7. le stiu pe de rost :)) deastea faceam cand eram inca in incubator :)))
  8. so when server will be online?¿?
  9. server made by "dementul" all are epic fail....:))) he just compile the server and start server dont search for bug..or other s!ts :)...i get banned for telling the truth about the server :)
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