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Everything posted by M4t

  1. Just a question: Are you doing it for fun, or is it what you want to keep on working for long period of time? If so.... start x5 asap ;) many people are waiting for it (i don't mind hi rate, but after a while playing char i simply get lost in all possible skills and so on...., rather prefer slowly develope it in order to gain full control)
  2. Any more details? Web adress, etc?
  3. xDD just write new manual with basic commands for that IG
  4. Damn right, +1 In my case i play @ infinity - new gm is simply lol, all he can do is ban. No suppport for players, no advises, damn he couldn't even respond for my message (sh1t was robbed and what is the most funny - was pmed by some one who was involved in that, put screens into message - resault no respond) But anyway something that makes ppl stay @ dn is prolly stacking sub system. Currently looking for new l2 serw with recent updates + friendly gm staff
  5. lol how could you cast frozing skin since it's impossible. I just tried to cast it on my char as well as npc. At least at infinity it's not working (or something was recently changed) whatever it's nice skill ;] I remember my pvp vs destro ^_^ heal on my back, and dumbass hitting with his skills. He haven't even noticed that I'm not hitting him but healing myself only... just got self owned ;p
  6. Want to kill aq fast? Get as nukers sorceres - she has weaknes regarding to fire attack, In some servers silence on nurses works as well .... dunno if it is a bug or meant to be ;p And btw u may get high lvl party to kill nurses as well, but imo it's better to be smart... if silence won't work try to move to one of the very ends of chamber root nurses, and then move with queen to other place... so she will be to far for nurses to heal her.
  7. From my experiences Hawkey is extreme enemy for any mage class in game UNLESS he has nice or overenchanted jewelery, as the m.def generally sux IMO [joda style] Tyrant the power has
  8. point first of all it s waste of bar space for self buff... like rapid shot or pain of saggitarius, hawkeye etc U should prepare 2 bars let's say one for exp and the second for pvp why? When u exp u have to pick up drops so pick up goes to bar, attack and assist as well. In case of he and exp skills are rather rarely used, maybe ue when u re chased by many moobs, or dash which allows you to run faster when u re fighting with 2 enemies. Slower will remaind further than faster one, so then you kill faster mob and then the slower one... simple as that In pvp u use mostly vicious stance, dash, UE, stun shot and tons of cp pots ;) ... that's all. Why? Have you ever tried using healing pots during pvp? if so ....hm gl xD Whatever right conclusion was carried by Vardas
  9. Sea of spores - as some one said before, good spot, not very attended since most players exp in DV and later cementary/fg Dragon valley - look for remoted parts of it, with difficult acces to other players, good spot is, right next to Ishka, not much moobs, not agro ones, for any nuker just get support and you'll get fast exp without any problems Forsaken Plains - move your char to very north - south part of that location BUT not under GC, just next to it. Not many moobs, some obstacles, peacefull and quiet place for your L2W Valley of Saints - like before, avoid places of quest, put your char into remoted region from barakiel I tried to put those in order of rising char lvl, hope you'll find it useful Avoid as much as u can quest related areas, as for sure they are/will be attended by other players (BS for example) For high lvl exp, I would advice Swamp of Screams - especially for the WK, Destro, Tanks (blunt weak point, moobs in big groups, 1/2 hp, nice drop & spoil) I know it's hard to set up program, but i know that some ppl had worked it out. Hope it'll helps, cheers
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