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About nikosdg46

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  1. Hello guys. I have a problem launching the game. I have rtheia client and when I open l2.exe the window for the game opens but it crashes and I get this error: Error: The system file may have been damaged. After ending the game, please check the file using the Lineage II auto update.
  2. I think there is a problem...when i go to http://www.facebook.com/NUMBERID i see a chinise profile
  3. Which is the IL server?
  4. What about debuffs?? I have soultaker and curses always failing....
  5. And how will you know where we advertise it and who advertise it in order to give rewards?
  6. Can't wait till opening. :LOL: I believe it will be a very good server.
  7. No, I don't find something wrong with it. I just wanted to be sure and I think it will be a great server with all these features. Of course it would need a lot of work so if everything goes well congratulations.
  8. Am I wrong or some of the (ATS) are from League of Legend?? Lice Pyroclasm or Requiem for a Dream or United we stand...
  9. Ναι αλλά δεν είναι άδικο κάποιος να είναι καλύτερος από κάποιον άλλον μόνο και μόνο επειδή έχει περισσότερα λεφτά παρά να ξέρει να παίζει καλύτερα??
  10. Ένας pvp server στον οποιο δεν θα υπαρχουν donate που να μην μπορουν να τα εχουν ολοι χωρις να πληρωσουν.
  11. Very nice features. Not gonna miss it :happyforever:
  12. It seems very good. Definitely gonna play it :)
  13. Αν δεν κάνω λάθος πρέπει να κάνεις recode το αρχείο python σε java. Δοκίμασέ το.
  14. Ενταξει τοτε... προσφατα (νομιζω) βγηκε ενας πολυ καλος επεξεργαστης AMD FX-8350 4.0GHZ 8-CORE BOX ψαξτον και δες αν σοθ κανει
  15. Αν μπεις στο www.e-shop.gr θα βρεις pc for gamers μκαι με 450 ευρω
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