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Everything posted by bronkerz

  1. Hi there, I wanna sell 1 DIVINE Scroll EWR (100% chance of enchant till +12) on Naia server. Since that scroll is NOT tradeable i'm giving the char who got it for free with it (Kamael Trickster 97, seraph leather Set and nothing really impressive inside account). Buyer will got all account info to do whatever he wants with it. Account still remains about 200 HERO COINS to got some stuff. Paypal Only, and money first. Offers by private msj. Ty in advice.
  2. Trusted Seller :)) Fast and safe
  3. It's Mine :))) Trusted Seller +1
  4. Hi there!! As title says, i'm looking for 10 Tauti Fragments at Innova Core server. Pm me or just leave here a msg with ur amount of fragments and price per piece. Note that i'm not gonna pay first if ur not a trusted guy, i've made a couple of deals here and some ppl can recomend me :) Ty in advice
  5. Perfect seller and good contact, with this guy u just got a "Safetrade" :p
  6. Hi there, I'm looking for some adena at Core server about 5/6b at 40e each. Send me pm or write here. Ty in advice
  7. Great trade and guy. Trusted!! +1
  8. Hi there, As tittle says, i`m looking for a good r99 amaranthine cutter or Tauti axe. Pm with what u have and what do u want. Can pay € for it, trade with account (sigel 98/95/80, account have iss 89 too for more info if u wanna trade just ask) or both. Ty in advice
  9. Bought "Aeore Cardinal lvl 99 Dual lvl 98 Wynn SL Sub 80/80" trusted seller and good contact +1
  10. U have a pm :P
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