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Everything posted by orm

  1. loooks prety kewl....will try:D
  2. orm


    omg why do i have -2 karma? what i did? make no sance
  3. loled-----yes there is....just go and google it lol i used 1 but it never worked:p
  4. http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2088.0 here you go
  5. doesnt work at L2max
  6. so bad Hlapex dont work soo for me is this usseles:( anyway n1 if i make server:)
  7. almost inposible to bot on that server:/
  8. thx for no help as useally ;)
  9. yo i have strange snifffer codes.... Command: m‹;_#€"eqqa#Žs-âC<e ‰7=áe ? wtf ? it shoud be like this "npc_xxxx_change_class"
  10. nutting.... u just see L2 logo for few sec and then its GONE !!
  11. hi, iam looking for some BUGs/Exploits/hlapex/and so on thinks..... server is c4 off thx for any help
  12. can i seee with it if Treasure box is fake or not?
  13. soo any1 tried it on L2max?
  14. i dont know how to make it works:/ dang iam nab
  15. does it work on L2max? i dunno why..but i cant figure it out
  16. u need to know or u write with luck Xd its official :/
  17. on L2max dont work.... cant paass login screen :/
  18. what u mean by scrip? where i can find it? could some1 help?
  19. my hlapex dont work there..........
  20. looks like server is fixed
  21. also L2max? btw i dont understant why shoudn ppl pay for it...lmao...its not official... so there is 60% for WIPE :)
  22. can some1 try it on L2Max? my antivir sais in 1.4 is trojan..so i dont wanna risk:) thx for any help if u succed can u gime that account?:D
  23. tell me how to get ID whitout keyloger :D or trying some ID+PW :D
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