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Everything posted by criss22

  1. Something like that i want: https://imgur.com/WZkWhgp
  2. Guys, i want to pay for this setting. Who can do it for me?
  3. Exist anymore one enchant editor for high five? I want to make permanent Yellow from +20 to +X Thank you. P.S. If you have, please share with me. I really need it
  4. Hello everyone. And have a beautiful day. I have a simple question. I have this Archievement: <achievement id="12" name="Immortality" description="Kill Antharas" reward="9142,5" mobToHunt="22839"/> and this is for kill 1 time Antharas. is seted with mobToHunt. How i can edit or add line with count all mobs killed? I try with mobsKilled but doesn't work. Please help me
  5. I find something. Like you say. /* * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 L2J DataPack * * This file is part of L2J DataPack. * * L2J DataPack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * L2J DataPack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package handlers.actionshifthandlers; import l2r.Config; import l2r.gameserver.data.xml.impl.ItemData; import l2r.gameserver.enums.InstanceType; import l2r.gameserver.handler.IActionShiftHandler; import l2r.gameserver.instancemanager.WalkingManager; import l2r.gameserver.model.Elementals; import l2r.gameserver.model.L2DropCategory; import l2r.gameserver.model.L2DropData; import l2r.gameserver.model.L2Object; import l2r.gameserver.model.actor.L2Attackable; import l2r.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character; import l2r.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import l2r.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import l2r.gameserver.model.items.L2Item; import l2r.gameserver.model.stats.BaseStats; import l2r.gameserver.model.stats.Stats; import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import l2r.util.StringUtil; public class L2NpcActionShift implements IActionShiftHandler { /** * Manage and Display the GM console to modify the L2NpcInstance (GM only).<BR> * <BR> * <B><U> Actions (If the L2PcInstance is a GM only)</U> :</B><BR> * <BR> * <li>Set the L2NpcInstance as target of the L2PcInstance player (if necessary)</li> * <li>Send a Server->Client packet MyTargetSelected to the L2PcInstance player (display the select window)</li> * <li>If L2NpcInstance is autoAttackable, send a Server->Client packet StatusUpdate to the L2PcInstance in order to update L2NpcInstance HP bar</li> * <li>Send a Server->Client NpcHtmlMessage() containing the GM console about this L2NpcInstance</li><BR> * <BR> * <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : Each group of Server->Client packet must be terminated by a ActionFailed packet in order to avoid that client wait an other packet</B></FONT><BR> * <BR> * <B><U> Example of use </U> :</B><BR> * <BR> * <li>Client packet : Action</li><BR> * <BR> */ @Override public boolean action(L2PcInstance activeChar, L2Object target, boolean interact) { // Check if the L2PcInstance is a GM if (activeChar.getAccessLevel().isGm()) { // Set the target of the L2PcInstance activeChar activeChar.setTarget(target); final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(); html.setFile(activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/admin/npcinfo.htm"); html.replace("%objid%", String.valueOf(target.getObjectId())); html.replace("%class%", target.getClass().getSimpleName()); html.replace("%id%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getId())); html.replace("%lvl%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getLevel())); html.replace("%name%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getName())); html.replace("%tmplid%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getId())); html.replace("%aggro%", String.valueOf((target instanceof L2Attackable) ? ((L2Attackable) target).getAggroRange() : 0)); html.replace("%hp%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getCurrentHp())); html.replace("%hpmax%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMaxHp())); html.replace("%mp%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getCurrentMp())); html.replace("%mpmax%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMaxMp())); html.replace("%patk%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getPAtk(null))); html.replace("%matk%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getMAtk(null, null))); html.replace("%pdef%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getPDef(null))); html.replace("%mdef%", String.valueOf((int) ((L2Character) target).getMDef(null, null))); html.replace("%accu%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getAccuracy())); html.replace("%evas%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getEvasionRate(null))); html.replace("%crit%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getCriticalHit(null, null))); html.replace("%rspd%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getRunSpeed())); html.replace("%aspd%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getPAtkSpd())); html.replace("%cspd%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMAtkSpd())); html.replace("%str%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getSTR())); html.replace("%dex%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDEX())); html.replace("%con%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getCON())); html.replace("%int%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getINT())); html.replace("%wit%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getWIT())); html.replace("%men%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMEN())); html.replace("%loc%", String.valueOf(target.getX() + " " + target.getY() + " " + target.getZ())); html.replace("%heading%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getHeading())); html.replace("%collision_radius%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getTemplate().getfCollisionRadius())); html.replace("%collision_height%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getTemplate().getfCollisionHeight())); html.replace("%dist%", String.valueOf((int) activeChar.calculateDistance(target, true, false))); byte attackAttribute = ((L2Character) target).getAttackElement(); html.replace("%ele_atk%", Elementals.getElementName(attackAttribute)); html.replace("%ele_atk_value%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getAttackElementValue(attackAttribute))); html.replace("%ele_dfire%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.FIRE))); html.replace("%ele_dwater%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.WATER))); html.replace("%ele_dwind%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.WIND))); html.replace("%ele_dearth%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.EARTH))); html.replace("%ele_dholy%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.HOLY))); html.replace("%ele_ddark%", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.DARK))); if (((L2Npc) target).getSpawn() != null) { html.replace("%territory%", ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getSpawnTerritory() == null ? "None" : ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getSpawnTerritory().getName()); if (((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().isTerritoryBased()) { html.replace("%spawntype%", "Random"); html.replace("%spawn%", ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getX(target) + " " + ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getY(target) + " " + ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getZ(target)); } else { html.replace("%spawntype%", "Fixed"); html.replace("%spawn%", ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getX() + " " + ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getY() + " " + ((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getZ()); } html.replace("%loc2d%", String.valueOf((int) target.calculateDistance(((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getLocation(target), false, false))); html.replace("%loc3d%", String.valueOf((int) target.calculateDistance(((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getLocation(target), true, false))); if (((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getRespawnMinDelay() == 0) { html.replace("%resp%", "None"); } else if (((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().hasRespawnRandom()) { html.replace("%resp%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getRespawnMinDelay() / 1000) + "-" + String.valueOf((((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getRespawnMaxDelay() / 1000) + " sec")); } else { html.replace("%resp%", String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getSpawn().getRespawnMinDelay() / 1000) + " sec"); } } else { html.replace("%territory%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>"); html.replace("%spawntype%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>"); html.replace("%spawn%", "<font color=FF0000>null</font>"); html.replace("%loc2d%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>"); html.replace("%loc3d%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>"); html.replace("%resp%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>"); } if (((L2Npc) target).hasAI()) { html.replace("%ai_intention%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0 bgcolor=131210><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>Intention:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getAI().getIntention().name()) + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>"); html.replace("%ai%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>AI</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + ((L2Npc) target).getAI().getClass().getSimpleName() + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>"); html.replace("%ai_type%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0 bgcolor=131210><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>AIType</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getAiType()) + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>"); html.replace("%ai_clan%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>Clan & Range:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getAIDataStatic().getClan()) + " " + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getAIDataStatic().getClanRange()) + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>"); html.replace("%ai_enemy_clan%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0 bgcolor=131210><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>Enemy & Range:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getAIDataStatic().getEnemyClan()) + " " + String.valueOf(((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getAIDataStatic().getEnemyRange()) + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>"); html.replace("%ai_can_random_walk%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0><tr><td width=100><font color=FFAA00>Random Walk:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + !((L2Npc) target).isNoRndWalk() + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>"); } else { html.replace("%ai_intention%", ""); html.replace("%ai%", ""); html.replace("%ai_type%", ""); html.replace("%ai_clan%", ""); html.replace("%ai_enemy_clan%", ""); html.replace("%ai_can_random_walk%", ""); } final String routeName = WalkingManager.getInstance().getRouteName((L2Npc) target); if (!routeName.isEmpty()) { html.replace("%route%", "<tr><td><table width=270 border=0><tr><td width=100><font color=LEVEL>Route:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + routeName + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>"); } else { html.replace("%route%", ""); } activeChar.sendPacket(html); } else if (Config.ALT_GAME_VIEWNPC) { // Set the target of the L2PcInstance activeChar activeChar.setTarget(target); final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(); int hpMul = Math.round((float) (((L2Character) target).getStat().calcStat(Stats.MAX_HP, 1, (L2Character) target, null) / BaseStats.CON.calcBonus((L2Character) target))); if (hpMul == 0) { hpMul = 1; } final StringBuilder html1 = StringUtil.startAppend(1000, "<html><body>" + "<br><center><font color=\"LEVEL\">[Combat Stats]</font></center>" + "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">" + "<tr><td>Max.HP</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMaxHp() / hpMul), "*", String.valueOf(hpMul), "</td><td>Max.MP</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMaxMp()), "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>P.Atk.</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getPAtk(null)), "</td><td>M.Atk.</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMAtk(null, null)), "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>P.Def.</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getPDef(null)), "</td><td>M.Def.</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMDef(null, null)), "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>Accuracy</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getAccuracy()), "</td><td>Evasion</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getEvasionRate(null)), "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>Critical</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getCriticalHit(null, null)), "</td><td>Speed</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getRunSpeed()), "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>Atk.Speed</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getPAtkSpd()), "</td><td>Cast.Speed</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMAtkSpd()), "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>Race</td><td>", ((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getRace().toString(), "</td><td></td><td></td></tr>" + "</table>" + "<br><center><font color=\"LEVEL\">[Basic Stats]</font></center>" + "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">" + "<tr><td>STR</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getSTR()), "</td><td>DEX</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getDEX()), "</td><td>CON</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getCON()), "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>INT</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getINT()), "</td><td>WIT</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getWIT()), "</td><td>MEN</td><td>", String.valueOf(((L2Character) target).getMEN()), "</td></tr>" + "</table>"); if (!((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getDropData().isEmpty()) { StringUtil.append(html1, "<br><center><font color=\"LEVEL\">[Drop Info]</font></center>" + "<br>Rates legend: <font color=\"ff9999\">50%+</font> <font color=\"00ff00\">30%+</font> <font color=\"0066ff\">less than 30%</font>" + "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">"); for (L2DropCategory cat : ((L2Npc) target).getTemplate().getDropData()) { for (L2DropData drop : cat.getAllDrops()) { final L2Item item = ItemData.getInstance().getTemplate(drop.getId()); if (item == null) { continue; } final String color; if (drop.getChance() >= 500000) { color = "ff9999"; } else if (drop.getChance() >= 300000) { color = "00ff00"; } else { color = "0066ff"; } StringUtil.append(html1, "<tr>", "<td><img src=\"" + item.getIcon() + "\" height=32 width=32></td>" + "<td><font color=\"", color, "\">", item.getName(), "</font></td>", "<td>", (drop.isQuestDrop() ? "Quest" : (cat.isSweep() ? "Sweep" : "Drop")), "</td>", "</tr>"); } } html1.append("</table>"); } html1.append("</body></html>"); html.setHtml(html1.toString()); activeChar.sendPacket(html); } return true; } @Override public InstanceType getInstanceType() { return InstanceType.L2Npc; } } Now how i can add .getChance or something like that in line StringUtil.append(html1, "<tr>", "<td><img src=\"" + item.getIcon() + "\" height=32 width=32></td>" + "<td><font color=\"", color, "\">", item.getName(), "</font></td>", "<td>", (drop.isQuestDrop() ? "Quest" : (cat.isSweep() ? "Sweep" : "Drop")), "</td>", "</tr>"); or maybe not this line? Thank you
  6. I don't know how to make it and maybe i broke my project . :( I just want to put: Adena 75% Drop now it is Adena Drop and i want to add that % after named item
  7. html.replace("%drop%", String.valueOf(((Config.PRECISE_DROP_CALCULATION)))); it is good how it is? I mean i want Adena 100% and to remove that "Rates Legend" from pictures
  8. I want to put something like %drop% with method .getChance or something like that it is.
  9. Good afternoon. Can help me someone with a simple question? I have this https://imgur.com/kJdm3Ei and i want to edit HTML and/or java code for specify more exactly percentage of item on drop. How i can edit JAVA /what file i must edit?
  10. Thank you guys. Was from somewhere else. Another question because i don't want to open another topic. Maybe someone hate me. Idk who. I have item "Scroll: Enchant Weapon of Destruction" and when i spawn in inventory, appear with black icon. Someone know a link with texture? L2jSunrise project. High Five
  11. Hello. Today i want to make something different. I want to add Items in shop ++ (Enchanted). and i put enchantmentLevel 10. All goods untill i buy item. In shop it is +10, i see it. But when i buy, i buy it +0. Can explain someone what's happend?
  12. Solved. Config...MultisellList was the problem. Ty
  13. It is L2jSunrise ("Core Revision: ..........: 842 rev"); ("Data Revision: ..........: 760 rev");
  14. Hello, today i make new multisell (number) with items, all goods. But when i try to open in gm shop i get jail. Can tell me someone where i must put number of multisell in java? In Config or L2PcInstance? I forget ..:(
  15. Hello everybody,who can tell me it is possible to change drop chance (%) for premium user? I have aldready x2 for drops. But i ant x2 for % to drop. Have anyone time to thing to this? many thanks
  16. Thank you guiys for all answer. +1 for all. Can close topic Admin.
  17. I understand, but how i can solve my problem? I try all variants of JAVA.
  18. I want to know how I can open executable. With what have. And I try with 1 by 1 in navicat. But table Accounts don't work. And mby another tables.
  19. I know what did u say. But my executable jar files for create database don't working.
  20. I install, But how i can install DB when it is installer and isn't working? https://imgur.com/39CuVJH
  21. Ok, i install openJDK, now, how i can open executable for create database? i search in java folder and isn't any executable file
  22. Hi everyone. Today i try to make my own server. Project L2jMobius. Because l2jserver have another way to compile and i didn't know how it's works. Anyway, everything was super ok with compile L2j-Mobius. Works fine in eclipse. But in create database doesn't work. In next link, you will see what error i get. 100% it is from java version. Now i have installed 1.7 and i get error. Who can tell me what version i need? https://imgur.com/BD542uQ Windows used: Windows 7 x64 Ultimate.
  23. you right SweeTs, i try to compile, but i didn't find any new tutorial. All from internet are old and links doedn't work anymore, If u can help me with some tutorials with what java i need, what eclipse, i will appreciate. I use windows 7 x64 ultimate and i want to make a hi5 server, doesn't metter what project but preferated sunrise. Free project i need. Thanks for everyone who answer me here.
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