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Posts posted by etherian

  1. All free solutions have tons of exploits and unfixed dupes. You will not be able to use it for live server securely

    im currently using it 


    not sure at all but yesterday tryed to dupe item and it does not allow to ride strider during trade

    maybe some of them are fixed i dont have changelog of ext


    btw on the meaning of TONS  can you describe some of them for real?  

    all i read is it has tons of problems!!  but noone describes specifically them

  2. Work cost money, itsn't it? On the other hand you may download freeware L2Patch, without any support, but if you will have problems with it - noone will help you

    i know i have it but atm not using it, theres no guide how to proper install and run

    tho... it says TEST...  im fine with nextdev by now, just wondering if there was something else for C4

    only worried bout item dupe bcz my friend want to take it to dedicated host and implement donations


  3. Works correctly with C2 client. Only "bug" so far is not moving to jail rangers who attack Gatekeepers.

    But can't login to gameserver with Interlude protocol 746

    On higher chronicles summons are bugged - they are displayed as rabbit without skills. Client part  i suppose.

    Sorry smeli, I'm a moron. You do a good job.

    i said 132131 times we use C4 client



  4. Except that if you stay with specific Windows 10 builds, specific workarounds do allow you to run old clients on Windows 10, even though those workarounds do not work in later builds. No matter how you look at this, you cannot deny it.

     windows 10 that it does not have it for default

    mine l2 clients also did not run in begin on w 10 ( not only lineage many other games also did not run )

    so later installed some old software and all games worked

    OpenAL, nGlide, directx 9, nGlide was a great help for old games http://www.zeus-software.com/downloads/nglide


    msXMLparsers, .net framework 2.0, xna framework  3.1







    You are a liar, and no amount of spam double/triple/quadposting will change that. You derailed this thread where people try to find solutions to continuous Microsoft patches that negate the ability to play with old clients over and over again, simply by claiming


    even though you knew this was not the case. This is your problem, not mine.


    EDIT: As for not recognizing obvious 4chan vocabulary, whatever.


  6. You took a C4 client installer, installed the client, modified and/or added files to the system folder to remove GG and bypass csauth2 for [Auth]Gate, YET YOU INSIST you have a clean system.

    MOREOVER, you are using hAuthD, which doesn't support csauth2 at all, further reinforcing the belief that you are not using a clean C4 client.


    Therefore, by definition, you are a liar.



    Not to mention you are using server files with truckloads of custom-made patches.

    i dont insist about if is a retail or modified system

    i said im using protocol 656 thats all

    what it your problem about using a truckload of custom made patches?

    that is what actually everyone does... or you gonna say that AmpeDx64 is not a custom way for  packets filter ?

    what is your problem dude? did you have any idea how many servers are running and they get donations twrd item sell?

    im running something non-profit and donations are voluntary if someone interested to get the project into a decent host

    also this community is more over for Share L2 Server/Client Modifications


    so liar?  for??  dude... You have nothing better to say than posting the photo of a dictionary definition ?


    you disappoint me...


    thus im not NORMIE...  im LiLMayer from Dragon Network


    laters chummer.


  7. i have finally set this up on a virtualbox machine just for test

    can log with C4 client
    but in few mins got kicked with msg
    Possible exploit! opcode=[48]

    also if i even set correct ip for builder it got kick after trying hide off 


    smeli where do i config to allow that?
    beside that everything seems to be working fine :)

  8. :)


    This is  AI for NPC fom npcdata.txt

    I can decompile ai.obj and write some stuff in script. I have my own NPC with AI written by me. It working.


    I'm looking for solution for common item from itemdata.txt

    Something what player can put in inventiory, no talk to NPC.

    so then you dont need to edit nor item nor npc


    head to skilldata



    effect = {{i_restoration;[soulshot_s];300}}



    have you tryed something like this ?


    effect = {{i_restoration;[hard_leather_helmet];[bone_gaiters];[bone_shield];[bone_breastplate];[bracer];[boots];[sword_breaker];[blue_diamond_necklace];[coral_earing];[coral_earing];[blue_coral_ring];[blue_coral_ring]}}


    as example i didnt tested yet  but it must be something like that


    check for each item if it needs ammount like 


    if there is no need to set item ammount


    well this is all i can do  the rest goes for you chummer

    good luck  :good sir:

  9. AI goes for Artificial Intelligence


    if you plan to make a custom one  just declare it as you wish

    will paste you a GMSHOP example  it also has a function when is attacked to use a skill on attacker

    class 1 gmshoptrader : merchant
    buyselllist_begin SellList0
    {412; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {390; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {1124; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {44; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {1148; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {45; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {46; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {47; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    buyselllist_begin SellList1
    {1104; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {1101; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {40; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {1123; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {553; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {1124; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {44; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {1148; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {45; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {46; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    {47; 20; 0.000000; 0 }
    handler 1 28 //  ATTACKED
            push_event //  gg
            push_const 632
            push_const 100
            func_call 218169344 //  func[Rand]
            shift_sp -1
            push_const 99
            branch_false L4829800
            push_event //  myself
            push_const 704
            push_event //  attacker
            push_const 48
            push_const 1053964
            push_const 0
            push_const 1
            push_const 1000000
            func_call 184877074 //  func[AddUseSkillDesire]
            shift_sp -5
            shift_sp -1

    if you want you can make a custom AI  

    but is more easy if you set up drop list in npcdata.txt
  10. :) give me high five man

    But there is no good c5 extender


    I Vang i found only two skill handlers to operate with transform items.

    With "i_restoration_random" i can transform only one random item from the list

    With "i_restoration" only one.

    i_restoration_random is used with items like fishing scale

    i_restoration with items like compressed soulshot pack


    I can't find handler with restoration multiple items

    I can't multiply skill effect, something like :


     because every transform  want consume one box per one restoration effect (in this example 2), but box is only one.


    And I'm unexperienced with modding off files, AI is only for quests and NPC, common item can't have AI?



    bro that is very complicated way to do


    go to the treasure box npc

    and set up


    there you can add all the items you want :P

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