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Posts posted by etherian

  1. the only so far who has done such thing using C1 base is smeli

    all other data seems to be lost, expired file hoster domains and deleted files from most sites


    sry but files shit?  let me remind you about that old era when only few could write code for server files and most of them got done via making their own custom ways


    there are no C2  or C3 files leak cause they all dissapear when C4 arrived

    if you search a bit of history about private/side servers by the time when official was pay to play

    you will discover that almost everything got wiped from internet and lot of servers got shutdown

    there was a C2 beta files and C3 too but as i said sites dont work anymore they are all offline or expired domains


    perhaps if for any magic way you are able to get any old file like c2/c3 era  be ready to work a lot cause there is a big sea of unfinished things, bugs, exploits, etc


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  2. hey why so much cabaret\catfight discussion about this

    ill rather use last nextdev b4 touching any other old c4

    i do not agree with anyone since i used to be with a very old crew back at c1/c2/c3 times

    and everything was rly different since L2 was 32 bit exec

    C4 was the jump to 64 bits and the doom / decay of lineage 2 ... 

    we all rejected many new things like sub class 

    so i wont argue anything cause most of the ''new things'' are boring 

    we used to play with 2 potions haste and swift, mages used haste and acumen potion

    it was tattoo era  before everything changed


    laters ppl...  imo it is a shame to read such things from old players like you 2 guys


    i may say only 1 thing over all


                                    i respect Russian developers 


    cause they did for free what noone did in code/fixes for YEARS 



    so cyaaa!
    Xerxes  from Omen of Disgrace

    • Thanks 1
  3. can close topic

    resolved in a dirty way modification


    		if (crit)
    			damage *= 2;
    		effector.doAttack(damage, effected, skill, false, false, true, false);
            effector.sendPacket(new PlaySound("skillsound.critical_hit_02"));


    original file



    laters ppl

  4. [server]


    never tryed to run in other machine just a suggestion i read back at C2/C3 times

    if they have shared memory why then they can connect via port and ip?

    thats bcz you can run separated in same internal LAN  network  or just direct ethernet pc to pc

     never had so much machines to do such thing


    anyway  thanks for clarify


    hows that ext ?  still at gracia final / epilogue ?

    im working now for H5  if u make extender for basic high five could be cool



  5. go over grp files...


    i have issue with weapon sample range


    converted high five weapon dagger for c4 client and did by mistake sword range 


    it is kinda of a hell of numbers and a small wrong space leads to no encrypt


    i wont pay for itemname modifier xD  neither npc


    but i could be interested if you reach over  armorgrp weapongrp etc

    anyway... well done 

  6. you need l2off commands full guide 


    read more tho...

    Cursed weapons
    you should have config in  .ini  file


    Small guide for 7sings setup:

    //ssq cyclemode manual 0

    //ssq setwinner none

    //ssq event_period xxxx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xxxx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx (year/m/d hh:mm:ss)

    //ssq seal_period xxxx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xxxx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx (year/m/d hh:mm:ss)

    //ssq cyclemode default 0


    if something is wrong just use it again:

    //ssq event_period xxxx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xxxx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx (year/m/d hh:mm:ss)

    //ssq seal_period xxxx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx xxxx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx (year/m/d hh:mm:ss)



    //olympiad monthly
    //olympiad start
    //olympiad term 604800 (For 7 days)
    //olympiad start
    to make olympiad season last 7 days.
    do that in sunday and it will have sunday -> sunday cycle.

    * How to summon manually those bosses since for example for ant queen I just need to //summon queen_ant *

    ( if you take epic bosses  out of their zone and manually summon
    its behavior AI could go wrong )
    as example for
     baium, antharas, valakas  they are bound to quest

    so i recommend you to clone the epic you want and re-make them as custom
    and use common monster ai 

    you will have to do also the custom npc in client


  7. i forgot  most important thing

    if you want to run over 1k players no lag 

    the real setup goes like


    1 computer

    runs SQL server

    handles  CacheD  and Login server 

    1 computer

    runs l2server


    1 computer

    runs npc server


    is a rly old way to setup
    but if you want a real good dedicated stuff
    you need to make the best internal network

    such as that

  8. On 3/8/2019 at 1:35 PM, MasterToma said:

    There are IO buffer pools, limited to 4, 8 or 16 instances (depending on your machine and chronicles) and the same amount of IO threads. So simultaneously you can send 4 or 8 or 16 packets. And if you have 100 ppl online, at the 00:00 EXTRA 100 packets will be sent (apart from other packets, which are sending or queued for sending).


    Also, for L2Server MAX IO thread number depends on number of (virtual as well) processors. So, if you have machine with 4 cores, you will have only 4 IO buffer pools and 4 IO threads. This is pretty the reason for lag. Also, network throughput might be an issue as well. Bot most probably, both.

    btw  master toma has explained it here
    read this again nevermind  he is giving you the answer  to solve the problem
    buffer pool is limited to the io threads logical and virtual cores 
    40k for pool in l2server and 40k pool for cached is a bit crazy...
    you have NASA computer?  : P

  9. try




    IOthreadcount < ---  i do not use that and the option is not in my  .ini



    ( i do not use pool setup at .ini config )

    if you set amount bigger than your ram is going to lag
    and also it will eat lot resources of your computer as virtual memory
    but be aware if iobuffercount reachs 0  server will crash

    i rly dunno about the  broadcast making global lag
    never experienced such thing as lazy to settime 
    and used invalid sunrise many times  as mine is custom farm / pvp  non retail doesnt matter unless if you run retail   then you must use correct sunrise    



    btw wich server/extender youre using ?
    i hope ure not using the L2Patch С4 Shareware for god sake...

  10. public final class MagicSkillUse extends L2GameServerPacket
        private final int _skillId;
        private final int _skillLevel;
        private final int _hitTime;
        private final int _reuseDelay;
        private final L2Character _activeChar;
        private final L2Character _target;
        // private final List<Integer> _unknown = Collections.emptyList();
        private boolean _success = false;
        private final List<Location> _groundLocations;
        public MagicSkillUse(L2Character cha, L2Character target, int skillId, int skillLevel, int hitTime, int reuseDelay, boolean crit)
            this(cha, target, skillId, skillLevel, hitTime, reuseDelay);
            _success = crit;
        public MagicSkillUse(L2Character cha, L2Character target, int skillId, int skillLevel, int hitTime, int reuseDelay)
            _activeChar = cha;
            _target = target;
            _skillId = skillId;
            _skillLevel = skillLevel;
            _hitTime = hitTime;
            _reuseDelay = reuseDelay;
            _groundLocations = cha.isPlayer() && (cha.getActingPlayer().getCurrentSkillWorldPosition() != null) ? Arrays.asList(cha.getActingPlayer().getCurrentSkillWorldPosition()) : Collections.<Location> emptyList();
        public MagicSkillUse(L2Character cha, int skillId, int skillLevel, int hitTime, int reuseDelay)
            this(cha, cha, skillId, skillLevel, hitTime, reuseDelay);
        protected final void writeImpl()
            // writeH(_unknown.size()); // TODO: Implement me!
            // for (int unknown : _unknown)
            // {
            // writeH(unknown);
            // }
            if (_success)
            for (IPositionable target : _groundLocations)

    ShinichiYao  posted this code in l2jserver bitbucket


    so i guess must start looking to make with this then

    perhaps in the same post



  11. for example  JFrozen have done the fix inside the core


    Formulas.calcLethalHit(activeChar, target, skill);
              PlaySound PlaySound = new PlaySound("skillsound.critical_hit_02");



    now im dizzy
    it is a bad way to redone this by custom script isnt it ?  will be calling a lag each time the script is executed?


    i tryed to make something like this in the high five pack of l2devs  but still


    import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound;


    if (activeChar.isPlayer())
    			L2PcInstance activePlayer = activeChar.getActingPlayer();
    			activePlayer.sendDamageMessage(target, (int) damage, false, crit, false);
                            PlaySound playSound = new PlaySound("skillsound.critical_hit_02");




     ERROR in C:\L2JDevs\game\data\scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\instant\FatalBlow.java (at line 113)
            PlaySound playSound = new PlaySound("skillsound.critical_hit_02");
    The constructor PlaySound(String) is not visible

    no matter how much i change the ways there is always a error regarding playsound

    i also compiled from Jserver git repo a fresh build but it happens the same 



  12. so is different of what im trying to do


    my ideas was  to add in the skill  mortal blow


                <effect name="FatalBlow" />
                <effect name="BlowSound" />        

    and then call the sound in BlowSound.java as custom script


    later i was wondering if it can be done like


    if critical  hit



    i dont get why they did it as MagicSkillUse 
    well perhaps im trying to do this in High Five


    JLisvus  implemented it but is for C4  and it works

    will keep looking how to solve it


    thnx for the info Tryskell

  13. if someone is interested

    i was thinking to test this 

    but im not sure if it can be outside FatalBlow.Java


    i created BlowSound.Java

    but i know im missing something

    it stills gives errors


    everyone is welcome to workaround with this

    i used the example of pirama  to begin

    package custom;

    import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character;
    import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
    import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound;

    public final class BlowSound
                if (activeChar.isPlayer())
                L2PcInstance activePlayer = activeChar.getActingPlayer();
                activePlayer.sendDamageMessage(target, (int) damage, false, crit, false);
          activeChar.sendPacket(new PlaySound("skillsound.critical_hit_02"));



  14. 7 hours ago, Sabrent said:

    try custom item and skill and it not work

    	<skill id="55032" displayId="770" toLevel="1" name="Dimensional">
    			<condition name="OpCanEscape" />
    			<effect name="Teleport">
    	<item id="47811" name="Dimensional" type="EtcItem">
    		<set name="is_tradable" val="false" />
    		<set name="immediate_effect" val="true" />
    		<set name="is_oly_restricted" val="true" />
    		<set name="handler" val="ItemSkills" />
    		<set name="is_dropable" val="false" />
    		<set name="is_destroyable" val="false" />
    		<set name="is_depositable" val="false" />
    		<set name="is_sellable" val="false" />
    		<set name="is_clan_depositable" val="false" />
    		<set name="is_mailable" val="false" />
    		<set name="is_commissionable" val="false" />
    		<set name="is_private_storeable" val="false" />
    		<set name="is_stackable" val="false" />
    		<set name="time" val="60" /><!-- Mints -->
    			<skill id="55032" level="1" /> <!-- Dimensional -->


    taking as example bsoe

    <item id="1538" type="EtcItem" name="Blessed Scroll of Escape">
            <set name="icon" val="icon.etc_scroll_of_return_i01" />
            <set name="default_action" val="SKILL_REDUCE" />
            <set name="etcitem_type" val="SCROLL" />
            <set name="material" val="PAPER" />
            <set name="weight" val="120" />
            <set name="price" val="150000" />
            <set name="is_stackable" val="true" />
            <set name="is_oly_restricted" val="true" />
            <set name="handler" val="ItemSkills" />
            <set name="item_skill" val="2036-1" />

    <skill id="2036" levels="2" name="Blessed Scroll of Escape">
             <table name="#itemConsumeId"> 1538 3958 </table>
            <set name="hitTime" val="200" />
            <set name="isMagic" val="2" /> <!-- Static Skill -->
            <set name="itemConsumeCount" val="1" />
            <set name="itemConsumeId" val="#itemConsumeId" />
            <set name="magicLvl" val="1" />
            <set name="operateType" val="A1" />
            <set name="rideState" val="NONE;STRIDER;WYVERN;WOLF" />
            <set name="targetType" val="SELF" />
            <cond msgId="113" addName="1">
                    <player canEscape="true" />
                        <player insideZoneId="10501, 10502, 10503, 10504, 10505, 10506, 10507, 10508" />
                <effect name="Escape">
                    <param escapeType="TOWN" />

    the item must have its decay

    <set name="duration" val="600" />
    i guess time  must be that


    lets see in the operate type i dont think pasive will do the trick

    must be immediate effect when the item is destroyed
    or in this case consumed or depleted

    what happens when you pick up a herb?  it bestows immediate effect on the char

        <item id="8600" type="EtcItem" name="Herb of Life">
            <set name="immediate_effect" val="true" />
            <set name="ex_immediate_effect" val="true" />
            <set name="material" val="PAPER" />
            <set name="is_depositable" val="false" />
            <set name="handler" val="ItemSkills" />
            <set name="item_skill" val="2278-1" />
            <set name="for_npc" val="true" />

    <skill id="2278" levels="3" name="Herb of Life">
            <!-- Confirmed CT2.5 -->
            <table name="#amount"> 15 25 100 </table>
            <set name="effectPoint" val="100" />
            <set name="hitTime" val="100" />
            <set name="isMagic" val="2" /> <!-- Static Skill -->
            <set name="magicLvl" val="1" />
            <set name="operateType" val="A1" />
            <set name="reuseDelay" val="2000" />
            <set name="rideState" val="NONE;STRIDER;WYVERN;WOLF" />
            <set name="targetType" val="SELF" />
            <set name="isRecoveryHerb" val="true" />
            <cond msgId="113" addName="1">
                <player flyMounted="false" />
                <effect name="HealPercent">
                    <param power="#amount" />



    well i will search more later but i think this tips might give you a more clear idea of what you must create as custom  

    im looking if i can make something like  BlowSound.Java  to fix the mortal blow thing

    i saw fixes posted in other topics  but they dont work

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