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Posts posted by etherian

  1. I'm lazy. Only picture, not movie:



    Windows 10

    a picture does mean you have tested everything?  7s, olympiads, castles sieges, clan halls bids, all skills from all jobs and characters, pvp, all geodata, dungeons, etc


    it seems no, youre just lazy as you said


    btw i do not understand about your post, there is no info nor anything, what are your trying to prove ?


    in this case pictures  yes i have some of when we did beta test past month june/july






    It's additional proxy or you just have server behind NAT and need port forwarding?


    If it's just port forwarding, you don't need anything else than DNAT and enabling IPv4 forwarding

    sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

    Also packets from server must go back through the proxy (it must be default gateway for the server)



    If it's real proxy (another server endpoint):




    Also you'll have to learn something about policy-based routing because when you have two endpoints, server will still send packets via default gateway - which will be your primary IP address. So if packet comes to l2server via proxy, it must go back to client via the very same proxy - not via default gateway.


    You should read something about it (google linux policy based routing), this can help you a bit:


    On router:


    Mark incoming packets and restore mark for outgoing packets:


    iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i tun0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 7777 -j CONNMARK --set-mark 100 # mark packets from 1st proxy
    iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i tun1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 7777 -j CONNMARK --set-mark 101 # mark packets from 2nd proxy
    iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i tun2 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 7777 -j CONNMARK --set-mark 102 # mark packets from 3rd proxy
    iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i br1 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 7777 -j CONNMARK --restore-mark # restore mark on packets going back
    Use policy-based routing based on packet mark:
    ip rule add fwmark 100 table 100 # if packet is marked as from 1st proxy, use routing table 100
    ip route add default via table 100 # routing table 100 - default gateway is 1st proxy internal address
    ip rule add fwmark 101 table 101 # if packet is marked as from 2nd proxy, use routing table 101
    ip route add default via table 101 # routing table 101 - default gateway is 2nd proxy internal address
    ip rule add fwmark 102 table 102 # if packet is marked as from 3rd proxy, use routing table 102
    ip route add default via table 102 # routing table 102 - default gateway is 3rd proxy internal address
    On proxy:
    up iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -m tcp -p tcp --dport 7777 -j DNAT --to-destination


    yes atm im behind 2 routers and i want to set also few login gateways for better ping from different locations

    by now i must fwd ports on router 1 and router 2

    in comming weeks i will add the other thing when i get direct conection to wan ip

  3. i need to setup proxy


     iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 2106 -j DNAT --to-destination xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2106
     iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 7777 -j DNAT --to-destination xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7777

    in the .ini there is only


    Proxy = 


    any clue? is my 1st time using this config, im used to set up common way for login

  4. Rly, this idea about ai.obj come from?

    I never mentioned about mixing script folder, only switching exe and remove few lines with custom pvp stuff from pack

    ai.obj is a part of scripts.


    (but NPC server throw many errors blabling something about missing database npc index)

    can you post error log pls...  othewise noone will be able to help u

    blabing error  does not mean anything... be specific or do not w8 for magic help


    ai.obj works with npc 

    functions are handle by server


    if u change something be sure to change everything related to it in order to get all running...




  5. Nothing is for sure. I checked Interlude demo - is different form full version, seems more like old Vanganath files.

    In GF some from errors are patched throught dll, I found old L2Sublimity files, the only one who run without errors, custom dll,  but  extender is without sources, useless for me.

    AdveExt GF + exe form euro pack + MyExt64 - after some tweaking, with yours suggestions,  only server runs without errors, but NPC server throw many errors blabling something about missing database npc index - most of them, more than 50%.

    ure funny  rly...  if you change stuff  u must change also AI.OBJ




    btw search  99nets files are somewhere they did C5  and other Gracia Final too


  6. keep server like I am doing

    on host

    no payment, no dupes, no rude players, no ddos, no russian players who prevent you farming mobs.............


    No internet connection problems!

    haha  lols,  currently using hamachi for beta test

    i have a nice amount of ppl waiting for live   


  7. try as i said


    <set name="nextActionAttack" val="false" />

    what is the most you want for your server

    retail behaviour  or complete skill animation
    anyway if you press attack  will cut off animation 
    happens since all lineage servers there is no much to do about 


    its clearly coolTime problem.


    edit your xmls and set new cool time there


    <set name="coolTime" val="720" />

    P.s if doesnt exists , add it


    yes  cooltime 720  i used that long time ago is good solution
    but since last changes in H5 jserver im not sure about, it worked in past, lately seems not at all



  8. i know about this, it also happens in extender bassed


    so you have to check  skill hit time &  skill cool time
    shield stun
    <set name="hitTime" val="1200"/>
    <set name="coolTime" val="300" />

    and disable next action attack -very important this one

    add this
    <set name="nextActionAttack" val="true" />

    but it goes false
    <set name="nextActionAttack" val="false" />

    hope this helps
    it solved for me back in 2012 when i had freya modded to H5  java srv


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