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About vidz112

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  1. No viruses. :) If l2.exe showing u virus just change it with another l2.exe Come and support us! :P
  2. UP! Server starting tommorow 16:00 lithuanian time!!!!!!!!
  3. Server info updated. Raidbosses respawn fixed. Balanced Ghost Sentiels. Fixed Overlords. Fixed other mobs.
  4. New server website template. All news now will be wroten in english language! Server info will be changed today! http://www.l2remix.us.lt/index.php Server start 2013.07.12 +2GMT Lithuanian Time!
  5. ohh men really sorry. i had much work in server. :/ tommorow i will translate the website. i cant do that now cuz im really tired. :/
  6. Can anyone give me some items on l2gold.cc? :good sir: My nickname in game: Neuzauges and Neuzaugus If u can support me please post only info how u can help or ur nickname in game. :) Thank YOU! :troll:
  7. added .gk, .buffme, .gmshop commands. fixed raidboss'es. balanced all mages classes. fixed dynasty armors. fixed weight penalty bug.
  8. Done.
  9. Custom items is balanced. Classes too. So if u want to support us just come on start. :)
  10. free? domain is free but website hosting is boughted. server is working on 10gb ram and 14ghz hosting!
  11. hi ppls. new server is coming at 2013.07.12. all info is in our website: www.l2remix.us.lt server rates: x777 custom items: dynasty armors, apella armors, dusk weapons, triumph weapons, 6 kind of wings, high tatoos, dusk juvelery. server acp: www.l2remix.us.lt/acp/ please support us on server start! WE NEED YOU! P.S. Eng version of website will be posted tommorow (2013.07.08) P.S.S. Server web is under construction. Web will fully work at (2013.07.08) My Skype: vydunas.valius
  12. Tested and working. EPIC.
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