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About tortur

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  1. 11:18:40 »¶Σ­ΚΉΣΓΠΠΥί΅£www.ToWalker.com 11:18:40 Link LoginServer Succeed. 11:18:43 Login LoginServer Success. 11:18:43 服务器[01]当前在线率:46.17%,能否登陆:能 11:18:46 Link GameServer Succeed. 11:18:51 ->Enter Char[1]. 11:18:54 Welcome to the World of Lineage II. 11:18:54 Seven Signs: This is the seal validation period. A new quest event period begins next Monday. mhpos kanete kati lathos?
  2. goyx! goyx! dokimase k me to tcp tunnel.... kai petaxe epiteloys to kolo xzcrk...
  3. mhn psaxnese adika dn to exei kanei upload
  4. to "protection" toy bnb aythn thn stigmh den einai allo pera apo to clients/ip opote me proxy isos kati kaneis
  5. 100% pure leech ......
  6. change the l2.exe to lineage2.exe and the lineage2.exe to l2.exe and then you have to do the same with l2.ini and lineage2.ini
  7. can you explain it better cause i tried but when WP dont identify the walker's version show:L2Walker unknver and all options to walker panel are inactive
  8. eixe 1 bug mexri shmera me ta treasure chest (otan soy anoigan polles fores petagan 700k) alla... ....paei k ayto :/
  9. There is and one other prog like this that you kill flyes but i dont remember the name :/ anyone knows the name?
  10. Tote dokimase to dark messiah tha to latrepseis :D alla thelei kalo pc
  11. Dld ayta poy les ta pisteyeis??? gt an einai k ta pisteyeis ade kopse tis fleves soy esy k ta alla ta mlkismena(mazi k h aderfh moy :P) mpas k glytosoyme. Me liga logia emo = h mlkia poy sas dernei
  12. To search ti to exei to forum??Dn kanei kako na to xrhsimopoieiseis.... ps: prin ligo kairo eixe 1 bug me ta dyes alla paei ayto HA HA gelasame pali....an thes na kaneis spam mpes edw http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=24.0
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