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Everything posted by Vhalior

  1. Connection Problems Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later. double blasta
  2. i have in ass your project if it not for free and sale ; )
  3. But for me still wont work : p 000 free webhost delegation only.. for others too ?
  4. i code this for free on aCis shares, when aCis is up i will share here too.. extremaly easy to do and 10 euro? You probably only add the config to my work o.O like your other work but this.. : p
  5. there is a securethat you can not shoot from behind the wall?
  6. no you dont have rights close topic and ban user
  7. Dont offend he, becouse you can lost some reports just listen what he found, you don't need fix it for he, but for your members. Correct me if im wrong
  8. ~200 revs old before i stop develop it, funny "Last rev) : ] And yes its shit : p
  9. old bugged, leached by stupid dev rev : )
  10. 1. If i need money i just make prices higher and continue this pack. One server work without problems so i think i can do it and isn't you buisness. 2. I don't see shared things here, i code many things from scarth you don't see so don't post stupid things, you just can lie i have i have prof this.
  11. ja rly? Look with is last : ) Paste example one from licence file
  12. I said i just sell pack and don't promise updates, read before comment spamer. This shared? is 45 rev and really bugged. Guys if you don't test don't spam here. Thanks
  13. I just wanna share you my own supportmagic look for interlude Just put this htmls to the default html folder and woala. Download
  14. I think that can help someone ^^ Just c/p it to any npc ; ) if someone find any other buttons in textures feel free to post <html> <title> L2 Interlude Buttons </title> <body> <center> <img src="SSQ_dungeon_T.SSQ_fire1_e013" width=256 height=64> <br1> <img src="L2UI.SquareWhite" width=194 height=1> <table bgcolor=333333 width=204> <tr> <td><center><font color="FFFF00">Guide by Vhalior</font></center></td> </tr> </table> <img src="L2UI.SquareWhite" width=194 height=1> <br> <table bgcolor="0000CD" border="0" width="280"> <tr> <td><font color="00FA9A">Close button interlude :)</font></td> <td><img src="L2UI.bbs_lineage2" width=128 height=16></td> <td><button value="" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_" width=16 height=16 back="L2UI.bbs_delete_down" fore="L2UI.bbs_delete"></td> </tr> </table> <br> Some nice solutions to "animated buttons" <br> Click for it friend and you will see :) <table> <tr> <td><button value="" width=32 height=32 back="L2UI.DestroyItem_active" fore="L2UI.DestroyItem"></td> <td><button value="" width=32 height=32 back="L2UI.Crystalize_active" fore="L2UI.Crystalize"></td> <td><button value="" width=32 height=32 back="L2UI.MainInventory_large_click" fore="L2UI.MainInventory_large"></td> <td><button value="" width=32 height=32 back="L2UI.MainSystem_large_click" fore="L2UI.Macro_Edit_Button"></td> <td><button value="" width=32 height=32 back="L2UI.manufacture_click" fore="L2UI.manufacture"></td> <td><button value="" width=32 height=32 back="icon.etc_paper_blue_i00" fore="icon.etc_paper_black_i00"></td> </tr> </table> <br> Here you got nice 4 button in table code :) <table width=240 bgcolor="12334"> <tr> <td><button value="example1" width=65 height=19 back="L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over" fore="L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2"></td> <td><button value="example2" width=65 height=19 back="L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over" fore="L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2"></td> <td><button value="example3" width=65 height=19 back="L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over" fore="L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2"></td> <td><button value="example4" width=65 height=19 back="L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over" fore="L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2"></td> </tr> </table> <br> Also with 3 buttons + some addon <table bgcolor="FF0000" border="1" width="280"> <tr> <p><td align="center"><button value="example1" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 30" width=75 height=21 back="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn" fore="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal"></td></p> <p><td align="center"><button value="example2" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 31" width=75 height=21 back="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn" fore="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal"></td></p> <p><td align="center"><button value="example3" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 32" width=75 height=21 back="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn" fore="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal"></td></p> </tr> </table> <br> And separated codes for many buttons :) <button value="Button 1" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=70 height=21 back="L2UI.DefaultButton_click" fore="L2UI.DefaultButton"> <br1> <button value="Button 2" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=75 height=21 back="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn" fore="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal"> <br1> <button value="Button 3" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=75 height=21 back="L2UI_CH3.Btn1_normalOn" fore="L2UI_CH3.Btn1_normalDisable"> <br1> <button value="Button 4" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=134 height=21 back="L2UI_ch3.BigButton3_over" fore="L2UI_ch3.BigButton3"> <br1> <button value="Button 5" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=120 height=30 back="L2UI_CH3.refinegrade3_21" fore="L2UI_CH3.refinegrade3_21"> <br> <button value="Button 6" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=204 height=20 back="sek.cbui75" fore="sek.cbui76"> <br> <button value="Button 7" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=204 height=20 back="sek.cbui81" fore="sek.cbui82"> <br> <button value="Button 8" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=176 height=26 back="sek.cbui02" fore="sek.cbui02"> <br> <button value="Button 9" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=60 height=15 back="sek.cbui40" fore="sek.cbui40"> <br> <button value="Button 10" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=60 height=13 back="sek.cbui67" fore="sek.cbui67"> <br> <button value="Button 11" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=60 height=13 back="sek.cbui68" fore="sek.cbui68"> <br> <button value="Button 12" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=60 height=13 back="sek.cbui69" fore="sek.cbui69"> <br> Realy interested effect <table align=center> <tr> <td><img src="L2UI_CH3.shortcut_next_down" width=16 height=16></td> <td><button value="Button 2" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=75 height=21 back="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn" fore="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal"></td> <td><img src="L2UI_CH3.shortcut_prev_down" width=16 height=16></td> </tr> </table> <br> Community board like :) <br> You create example separated 3 htmls and on actual <br> just change button to active, look cool and awsome. <table align=center> <tr> <td align=center><button value="Button active" width=95 height=32 back="L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1" fore="L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1"></td> <td align=center><button value="No Active" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 1" width=95 height=32 back="L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1" fore="L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2"></td> <td align=center><button value="No Active" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 2" width=95 height=32 back="L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1" fore="L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2"></td> </tr> </table> This one can be used in many aspects examples <button value="Button 1" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=60 height=15 back="sek.cbui94" fore="sek.cbui92"> <br1> <button value="Button 2" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=50 height=15 back="sek.cbui94" fore="sek.cbui92"> <br1> <button value="test" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=30 height=15 back="sek.cbui94" fore="sek.cbui92"> <br> <table width=115> <tr> <td><button value="GM Speed" action="bypass -h admin_gmspeed_menu $speed" width=70 height=17 back="sek.cbui94" fore="sek.cbui92"></td> <td><combobox width=30 height=17 var=speed list=1;2;3;4;0></td> </tr> </table> SATAN POWER! <img src="azit_a_t.azit_A_magic01" width=256 height=256> <img src="L2UI_CH3.refinegrade3_21" width=120 height=115> <table> <tr><td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_l_i00" width=32 height=32></td><td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_i_i00" width=32 height=32></td><td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_n_i00" width=32 height=32></td><td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_e_i00" width=32 height=32></td><td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_a_i00" width=32 height=32></td><td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_g_i00" width=32 height=32></td><td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_e_i00" width=32 height=32></td></tr> </table> <br> <img src="SSQ_dungeon_T.SSQ_fire1_e013" width=256 height=64> </center> </body> </html>
  15. Lol c/p sigmo commits :P Just Loled
  16. Sorry to a long time to wait Here you can check some minor updates In my opinion there is a lot of worst pack than this, and also my small team add very good securities ex lameguard, more advanced prot for ddos at linux, prot for brute force and some unique features, also we fix many issues from sigmo thank you reporters.. Personally i don't have a time to continue my developing adventure so the price is realy low for that amout of time to make this.. Actualy one server working with that files and have ~400 online so.. By purchasing our services/files you agree to our rules (you can find them at our forum) Any questions go to msn, don't spam this topic working siege working ch siege working fortress(optional) working skills working olympiad working zones working bosses/granbosses READ MORE HERE l2desirel2@gmail.com Compiled: 20 Source: 30
  17. I don't want to share it at all but there is many shares of the crapy compiled so i decide to share the correct one.
  18. Hi sigmo is dead, other developers leave, so I'm to decide to leave. And many other reasons. Better when i share oficial than compiled by us, than revs with 1k+ bugs maked by asholes who don't respect other. There is some issues, bigger or smaler what is fixed on my actual project so don't say its perfect pack. But you feel free to make pvp or something on it.. If you find issue feel free to send me detailed pm with it : ) Download ---- Sry for my english ; P
  19. Anyway i will post the latest compiled pack cuse this shares make my bad opinions :P many of it its selfbuged by leak guy ; )
  20. Silence kid :) they are just unrewriten from python to java. You should be dekarmed for post like that
  21. shut up :P look at your self : ) you always w8 for bad post like a stupid vampire for blood haha :D your eclipse pack scam that many peapole every one told me "ventic scam me i hope you will wont" haha :D dont oftopic biatch :P
  22. First of all you had shared rev later i send you my experimental workspace so i suggest you to buy stable without crashesh pack from svn, anyway good luck ^^
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