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About assaiL

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  1. Bought two billion, fast, easy trust worthy would recommend to any one looking to get cheap adena.
  2. Bought some adena, very fast and professional great seller.
  3. Bought six billion, very fast and professional. 10/10
  4. Please feel free to inbox me with an offer, or add me on skype: permaafklolz
  5. As the title says Looking to sell a 101 Yul / 97 ISS Im looking for Euro / Adena offers only. +5 Dex - 2CON +4 Dex +3 LUC +4 STR +3 Luc LaVie Brillian Broach - Level 3 Ruby, Level 2 Peral Opal Diamond Enhanced Tauti Bracelet 100 EOD Talisman Annihilation 17K PA points Reflect Attack Shirt +0 That's everything of Significance I guess.
  6. bought 11 bill fast, and honest 10/10!
  7. Fast and legit, bought 5 bill, very quick and HONEST !!!
  8. Looking to buy a pve bow on core pm me with price, would prefer to use a middleman service for this transaction thank you. Would also be interested in a +12-14 R95 bow
  9. As title says looking to buy an Evis 99+, Would be nice if the Dual was a healer/enchanter but not a huge deal.
  10. Good day, Looking to sell my items on rpg club, Looking for offers only. Antharas +3 Baium +4 Frint +4 Zaken +4 Vesper ring +4 300 Vespser caster*acu (holy) Dyna Healer set 120x5 Dyna sigil Mw Dyna Sheild 30+ GCM Eva saint 3 sub skills / noble / boe learned +15 POW +28 Resist shock +28 Mana burn +15 Trance +15 Block wind walk +23 Clairty +21 Robe mastery Color Name / Title (250 RUR for email change) (ribbon hair band / Angel halo / Wiz hat) (cloak of green) (Steam beetle) 85 Spectral dancer Zerker dance learned 85 Prophet +30 mana burn / +15 pof / CC learned Western union Lain system only
  11. Wts: 85 GK - 6 +30 skills Alignment protection Element Protection Cloak Greenery Anthy Zaken Frint Baium Dyna - Level 2 pads Vesper fist 300 / both HP and Focus (one has pvp) 85 Prophet with CC +30 Mana burn/+15 pof (basic items) (3 sub certs) 85 EE boe learned noble with cloak (Basic Items) (3 sub certs) 85 Doom cryer GF / Many Many GCM other random items / armor sets.
  12. Did trade with Lain system, great guy good prices, most of all honest, big vouch+!
  13. Even on vacation Lain took the time to help us, with our trade, all done, great guy big vouch.
  14. Great traded bought two epics, very fast, honest legit big thumbs up!
  15. Wts: 85 Dreadnought noble full cert/greenery cloak +15 eye of slayer +15 Earth Quake +30 shock stomp +30 Thunder Fighters will Archers will Many other skills OE all 10+ +7 Vesper pole *Health toon also has pvp jewls ect. Wts 84 Archmage Noble full cert +10 vortex/buster Enlightenment toon is naked Looking to sell for adena or cash or raid jewls.
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