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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Βλέπω και τον Chyba πως κουβαλάει με τα σκουπίδια που τυχαίνει..
  2. I actually pm'd Maxtor about him and his hated actions but guess what... Telling him ammatuer,that is true,isnt something that i must get a warning imo. Edit #1 reason: stop playing with reputation on Stereotype's posts. So serious right? Edit #2 reason: 1 more public insult and you will get punished, ευγενικά. Ammateur is an result for him.
  3. Can i have those hated warnings that i got from FighterBoss removed ? Didnt know that hated warnings are legal.
  4. Exw k ena account alla to poulaw 150e,an thes na to deis kane add mathew8076 sto skype.
  5. I sold him an account,can be locked.
  6. I have an eune w/o many games if you want..its s4 or s5 dunno.
  7. Είναι επίσημο τελικά?
  8. If you dont go first,there is no scamming acuse. And yes,if some1 offers you something HUGE,just dont even think about it.
  9. Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to xmas.fnatic.com Did you mean: fnatic.­com
  10. Starting on Monday,pm me on skype for the stupid reasons.
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