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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. smr to postaran fb :troll: Einai epd exw pollous friend :happyforever:
  2. Matthew


    i said i will not cuz im busy :/
  3. Oups internal error! Refresh page or click here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php
  4. Matthew


    karma,serious business nowdays
  5. Matthew


    Basika kaneis dn noiazete,o Justice einai pio active asxeta me tis apofaseis p pairnei..
  6. Expect corruptions (it it happends) ,you will lose your friendship too. Be sure :)
  7. Matthew


    Actually Raule i dont think that u count the ppl that vote you more than 2 times,cuz doesnt count. (I will not count the votes cuz im too lazy) Also b1tches gtfo,like you voted fairly and not cuz they are your friends. WHO GIVES A FK AT ALL?
  8. Matthew

    rome so saks

    Confirmed :poker face:
  9. Ο τύπος τρέχει με 200 στην Εθνική... Τον βλέπει ένας αστυνομικός, ανάβει σειρήνα και τον σταματάει. - Αδεια και δίπλωμα, του λέει. - Δεν έχω, λέει ο οδηγός. - Τρέχατε κύριε! - Έχετε δίκιο, αλλά βιάζομαι να μη μυρίσει το πτώμα στο πορτ-μπαγκάζ. - Πώς...; Εσύ τον σκότωσες; - Ναι, με το 45άρι που έχω στο ντουλαπάκι. Το όργανο καλεί μέχρι και τον αρχηγό της αστυνομίας. Ψάχνουν για το όπλο, τίποτα. Ψάχνουν για το πτώμα, πουθενά. - Που είναι το όπλο και το πτώμα που μας είπε το όργανο; ρωτάει ο αρχηγός. - Ξέρω και εγώ; λέει ο οδηγός. Αυτός είναι τρελός! Μπορεί να σας πει ότι έτρεχα κιόλας...!!
  10. actually ,its clown's one :DD
  11. I dont spam out of spam topics :D They might play with gr might and 2 berz cuz they are with full pt with healers/judi each,if not, they are really newbies. I prefer no berz but as RandomDude said,if u think that they kite so much,u can take berseker spirit (NEVER THE DANCE ONE)
  12. oxi re c,epeza m akirous oxi premade autin tn fora k eixan oti nane position :D Ase p paizame oloi prwtoi fora tous champs mas lawl
  13. Dn ktlvainw se match sto 40' ,na kanw zone adc/ap/jungler k na xanoume to game. Auto to Lol katadaei aidia
  14. apo katw patisia eisai? :troll:
  15. they are many ppl playing low rates too,anyway many ppl gone to official but not so many that you could say that private's one died. :)
  16. 1.Cuz private should be high rate too 2.Cuz you can play not only God client. Generally doesnt have to do with it,if your server is good,will atract ppl too.
  17. Also now that u have less adena than me,i want a most adena reward :troll:
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