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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. hater με φωνάζουν..Αυτό του φίλου του Fortuni πως σου φαίνετε?
  2. Τελικά είμαι πολύ κακούλης..
  3. Βουλεύει σαν χορεύτρια..
  4. hah,WORTH XDDD Θα σου βρω ένα αλλά δεν παίζω l2. χαχαχ
  5. Πόσα θα κερδίσω? :alone:
  6. Δώσε μου 100 ευρώ τώρα..
  8. Δεν έχω θέμα αλλά δεν είμαι στο pc τώρα...Πρέπει και να μαζέψω ip και για τα runes τώρα..
  9. Εγώ πλέον είμαι στα promotion,είσαι σκουπίδι μπροστά μου! ΧΔ
  10. Not all servers,almost all. Also this one is greek,so i wont join either :* gl tho
  11. The problem nowdays is the corruption and unproffesionality. Also if you fix wankers' problem ,you will instanly lose your balance. If u want a tip,just dont open a fking forum. @sw Head Game Master, its like a helper with almost all the privs.
  12. Πιστεύω ο Βασίλης αυτοκτόνησε προσπαθώντας να το πάει σερί σήμεσα... :/
  13. I dont have exp as admin but i have as a hgm,and isnt that hard at all. But ppl atm are just UNproffesional,so not acusing them at all.
  14. Midnight and generally l2 sonic,ddosing every high five and freya high rate server on their grand opening. Like they did with l2dodge.. Anyway i dont care at all,will wait a friend to open his h5 these days, that im helping him with the balance.. Anyway,already got bored talking about crappy servers. @stewie balance were good when i was playing there,and admin is helping and answering on his pms,thing that others dont care at all.
  15. Well im bored of l2 anyway,ppl that are doing pvp server are the same and only Aeron got my respect. Im rly tired of these kids that feel shame for ther nationality and trashtalking for a bigger e-penis. I was playing l2 with some friends,but since they proove me wrong there is not a reason to keep playing a 'teamwork' game.
  16. Yes ,but you have open some subject about some ranks,vip new names etc and didnt modify anything yet.. Also do something about trade counts,ppl already get mad of it. Or just remove it at all.
  17. Μητρικό φίλτρο είναι αυτό που έχουν στα αυτιά τους οι μανάδες κι όταν λες " θα βγω ", ακούνε " θα πάω σε όργια με ναρκωτικά και όπλα, χωρίς μπουφάν ".
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