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Everything posted by kostikas21

  1. when its going to be on ?
  2. Sorry for the newbish question.. i understood what i have to do..but how i know what item give me this noblesse status?:S i understood how to put it in java just don't understand :D Sorry again , it's my first week at developing.. :)
  3. Sorry for the newbish question.. i understood what i have to do..but how i know what item give me this noblesse status?:S i understood how to put it in java just don't understand :D Sorry again , it's my first week at developing.. :)
  4. can i ask something?cauze i m newbie in java modifications and newbie at developer either. when i edit the java and i delete those lines i don't like i make Save?! and then just open login,gameserver and it's working?
  5. can i ask something?cauze i m newbie in java modifications and newbie at developer either. when i edit the java and i delete those lines i don't like i make Save?! and then just open login,gameserver and it's working?
  6. kanenas?? Kaneis den eixe prob me ta 3rd class skills h den 3erei na to fixarei?:/
  7. yes ok the code but what i have to do?i paste it where?:S dont understand.. aT least u could say that anyway
  8. Magkes help.molis ekana compile esthsa server kai eine ola komple, to mono provlima eine oti den m kanei load merika 3rd class skills arcane power stous magous,lethal shot kai tetoia.koitaksa sto navicat kai mesa sta skills sto gameserver/data/stats/skills den leipei kanena. Opote to provlima to eida sto gameserver panel kai eine to eksis : Error at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.Skills.SkillsEngine.LoadAllSkills(SkillsEngine.Java at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.Datatables.Skiltable.<init>.(SkillsTable:Java 51 at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.Datatables.Skilltable.get inctance.(SkillsTable.Java kai otan mpenw sto skills.skills engine mou vgazei afto : public List<L2Skill> loadSkills(File file) { if (file == null) { _log.config("Skill file not found."); return null; } DocumentSkill doc = new DocumentSkill(file); doc.parse(); return doc.getSkills(); } public void loadAllSkills(Map<Integer, L2Skill> allSkills) { int count = 0; for (File file : _skillFiles) { List<L2Skill> s = loadSkills(file); if (s == null) continue; for (L2Skill skill : s) { allSkills.put(SkillTable.getSkillHashCode(skill), skill); count++; } Kapios pou katalave as me voi8hsei o server eine etoimos kai perimenei kosmos...eine to mono pou mou meine... Kai an 8elete na sas kanw copy opio java 8elete. An voi8aei xrisimopoiw L2J Last revision.
  9. the gameserver panel says analytical : at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.Document item.Parse item.<Document item.java> at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.Document Base.parse <Document item.java:115 at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.Skills Engine.Load Data<Skills Engine.java that's the error console says.. what i have to do? u want to sent u some java to edit it and send me back? or i dont know. Just want help.ill do whatever it takes just tell me . .
  10. lithike to problem ekana compile kai ola eine komple.kapios lock to topic.
  11. Hello everyone. I have a problem with my server.i need your support :) I just made compile and i open my server.the server running good without any problem except that doesnt load 3rd class skills.what i mean? when i speak to my class master to make 3rd class hes making my 3rd class but i m not taking all my 3rd class skills for example in all mages is missing arcane power in some fighters other 3rd class skills. i Checked skills trees skill learn and other things on navicat all are ok. i Checked skills in gameserver/data/stats/skills and arcane power and the other skills that missing are there :/ So i finally check my gameserver panel and it says : error in net.sf.l2j.gameserver.SkillsEngine(Skills.Engine.java) i understand that i have to go to my eclipse (i think) and fix something but i m newbie developer and i dont wanna do any mistake... Some Pro Developer Sure will know what to do excatly So i need your help Guys... Help me...A lot of kids waiting to fix that...Thanks :)
  12. Kalhspera re magkes.esthsa ton server mou ola komple,exw mpei mesa exw valei gm shop,gk ktlp apo npcs. Otan prospa8w na valw mia custom armor sto navicat dld na perasw to sql na kanw execute batch file mou leei panta afto : [Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully Kati exw kanei la8os sigoura,h kati den exw kanei...mporei enas empeiros developer na me helparei..? Euxaristw ek ton proterwn magkes. Y.S : Prospa8isa na ta kanw add apo monos mou sto navicat kai otan ta kanw spawn sto game m leei item does not exist..afto gia na katalavete to provlima.
  13. Guys problem,when i finish with making new l2.ini i press the l2.exe and nothing happens.it doesn't loading just nothing happened..Help me out :D what may cauze this? the login and gameserver running perfect i just dont understand.
  14. Kalispera,eime kapws kainourgios sto na ftiaxnw server,kainourgios sto site kai den 3erw kan an prepei na kanw edw to post mou apla viazome kai 9elw th voi9eia sas gt 3erw oti den eine kai kati poly duskolo..eime sto 3ekinima tou sthsimatos tou client tou interlude server mou.exw valei to l2 encdec sto system mou kai anoigw patcher.exe arxizei kala alla sthn poreia mou grafei there have been problems.l2 exe is not patched by default since 2.90! please use loader exe,kai otan anoigw to loader anoigei thn prwth eikona tou interlude prin anoiksei thn eikona tou login kai trww critical..sigoura eine kati eukolo fadazome alla eine kainourgios kai eine to prwto provlima pou sunantaw :) euxaristw poly ek ton proterwn
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