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Everything posted by Pauler

  1. Which banner did you click? The first or the second one?
  2. People love: 1. Dedicated Servers. 2. Bugless gameplay. 3. No Corruption. 4. Unreachable GMs. 5. Mature GMs. These are the basic things people want a server to have.
  3. I can sell you my files. They work properly and they cost really low. Pm me if you are interested.
  4. Locked. Link redirects to a japanese website.
  5. But as I see you cannot really make a discussion because you are propably too young. I just gave you a friendly advice. Take it and learn something from it or just throw it away. I will try to end up this `conversation` by saying good work to DarkTerror. But as you(DarkTerror) understand you need a bit practice.
  6. Vazelos never did anything to help other members, never shares, he just swearing. Swearing and trolling is not something that has to be rewarded. He has to be discouraged for his actions not encouraged.
  7. Please, don't be immature. I have never pretended to be e-powerful. Why should I pretend now, especially to another moderator. Also, being old doesn't make you the best, maybe a bit mor experienced. The point is that, the moderator has to be neutral. Does not matter what DarkTerror has done, a helpful advice to him will make him happy and he will be better.
  8. Just a tip. Helping the certain member to become better by telling him what to improve, it's better than discouraging him. Sharing your knowledge and help the others will make you feel better and more useful.
  9. Απλα μην το συγκρινεις. Το ιντερνετ στην Ελλαδα ειναι για πεταμα.
  10. It is already posted many times. I think it is caused by a custom mod which is not configurated right. Also, it doesn't exist only in GFx Boards. Most of the times it can be dolved by refreshing the page. But, in some rare occassions the error may not be dissappeard.
  11. Backtrack is a linux based operating system. In the end of your message, I see that you mentioned some encryption types for router passwords. So, I guess you don't really want tutorials who talk generally for Backtrack but you want tutorials about hacking the default passwords of routers. There are already some tutorials about this in our hacking section. You can try these links. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=239906.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=240441.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=240470.0 If these tutorials dont help you with what you want to do, you can search by yourself in hacking section.
  12. Σιγα μην πιασει κανενας τετοιες ταχυτητες με την παναρχαιες γραμμες που εχει η Ελλαδα.
  13. Ο καθενας λεει το δικο του σεναριο. Η μονη εν μερη σωστη προταση που εχει υποθει παραπανω ειναι του Vaxil. Λοιπον, φιλε ChristeR αν θες πραγματικα να ενημερωθεις για το τι ειναι το ddos, και πως μπορεις να προστατευτεις χρησιμοποιησε το google. Επισης χρησιμες πληροφοριες μπορεις να βρεις στο wiki. Απο εδω καλυτερα να μην ρωτας συμβουλες για τοσο εξειδικευμενα θεματα οπως ειναι το ddos.
  14. The author is banned, the first post is a kind of joke I guess, so I have to lock it.
  15. Συντομα. Οπως ειπε το παιδι ειναι απασχολημενοι οι devs αυτον τον καιρο αλλα μεσα στον Ιουνιο θα ερθει το επομενο rev.
  16. Pauler


    Οχι. Αλλα πιθανον δουλευει.
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