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Everything posted by Pauler

  1. BonJovi® (1) Mhoska (4) + Great share, thank you a lot! In topic Today at 09:07:38 pm Zeon® (0) Mhoska (4) + Great Share (Just I wanted to reward him for his great job) In topic Today at 08:03:20 pm vampir (0) Mhoska (4) + Share that i liked a lot. In topic Today at 07:28:20 pm Finito (0) Mhoska (4) + Great share In topic Today at 07:26:40 pm All of them are for this topic: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=246453.0
  2. Το ξερεις οτι ο admin του sandora ειναι μελος του forum.(?)
  3. No, I don't think that. Also, I wasn't active because I was/am on vacation. But, who cares anyway.
  4. Το 30+ καρμα σημαινει κατι?
  5. I voted for stupid. Zake a gold member? Really?
  6. Something is wrong here. Anyway, hello.
  7. Ποσο πιο απλα να το πει. Παιρνεις το κωδικα απο το index του facebook και το βαζεις σε ενα .php. Υστερα γραφεις τον κωδικα απο το αρχικο ποστ σε ενα αλλο αρχειο .php, τα συνδεεις μεσω της login form και τα ανεβαζεις στο host σου.
  8. λες να βουλιαξει?
  9. Βαλε τους 0 aggression.
  10. Eclipse and navicat are two completely different things.
  11. Without proofs, you can't do anything. If you are not a scammer, make some successfull trades with our forum members and tell them to give you a +1. Until, then you guys will probably stay with -1 and -2.
  12. Any real proofs that he is the scammer and not you?
  13. You have done a mistake. This: $num=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE online=1 and accesslevel=0")); Should be: $num=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE online=1 and accesslevel=0")); You forgot the dash between the word num and the word rows. Also, it's difficult to find a server which has fsockopen enabled.
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