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  1. Hello, if you have a CTF event, regardless of the chronicle, because all the forum links are dead. Thank you.
  2. I'm using linux for the proxy and after 5-6 hours the aplication L2Proxy gets closed without any error, what can be or what do u recomend me?
  3. Hello I'm I want to set seven signs participation period from monday to friday and mammon from friday to monday. I've been trying to modify that but wrong results. I understand that PERIOD_COMP_RESULTS & PERIOD_SEAL_VALIDATION is the period of mammon and the participation is PERIOD_COMPETITION & PERIOD_COMP_RECRUITING Here's the class SevenSigns.java: l2jfree-ct2.3/l2jfree-core/src/main/java/com/l2jfree/gameserver/model/sevensigns/SevenSigns.java at master · l2jfree/l2jfree-ct2.3 (github.com)
  4. Hello, I'have one problem with L2JFree gracia final source. Seems like after 1min of server start there's is a schedule that spawn again the boss and miniums, after that, I can't target them. Happens with several bosses like hekaton on ketra, for example with ember it doesn't happen, I dont know what can be atm. Maybe it's a problem with broadcast or instance? I'm using this source l2jfree/l2jfree-ct2.3 (github.com) If you need more info, ask please, thanks you. Fixed, it was from the ddbb, the axis z was less than normal.
  5. Trusted and Skilled, I recommend it
  6. Selling steam account full access with games: -Arma 2 -Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead -Batman: Arkham origins -Counter-strike: Global Offensive -Counter Strike: Source -Day of defeat: Source -Half-Life 2: Deathmatch -Half-Life 2: Lost Coast -PUBG Price:35€ Payment method: Paypal
  7. Hello, there's 1 player that when he tries to login, appears like the account is already in use all the time, u know what can cause this? Maybe somethiing in hauthd it cann be solved? I changed the logout time in bd but still the same, regards L2 off IL
  8. Can't be done through database? I can't do it with this commands, ty. https://gyazo.com/e766f04528cadf218830d52fc3979171
  9. Hello, how can I change in seal period a character that is registered on dusk to dawn? Regards
  10. Hello, how I can change in L2Off IL the price of teleport for only players who are lvl 40 or lower? Thanks, regards!
  11. Okey, seems like L2JACIS is the powerfull, I'll go for this one, thanks!
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