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Everything posted by metyl

  1. OMG, ok. :D Then what do you work on this server as GM? Give items for your player character? :lol:
  2. Yeah, I saw this pack on other servers. Again an admin with money without knowledge. :P Sorry, admin, but if you play since so many years, you should know those things and check how work (here not) on your server.
  3. Oh, should I use the same name everywhere on the internet? :D Ok. There are post from other players too and I don't see a reaction for those serious problems. What about them? I wrote pm about another bugs in game. Gm said add on skype, added. He said wait. Waiting for 2 weeks or more. Nothing happened. If I ask, no reaction. Every server has bug, but here are BASIC things. It wasn't tested before start. And no problem, this could be solve, but you don't give a shit... But least the fake player count works well. ;D
  4. They can fix NOTHING and they don't give a shit about bugs and problems. After lvl 85 you can sit in town and do NOTHING. :angry: If you want positive feedback, you shold do something for it. Did you test this server before started it? I don't think so.
  5. Pf, my char has disappeared after relog too. :D
  6. Oh, my God! Open Again? It'll be my 3rd chance to this server. :D I'm curious...
  7. Maybe. But it's a big fail.
  8. I think it's a server's problem. And this admin is... Eh. :D
  9. Lol, failed again. :D .infothem: u can gat lvl, apiga, valakas and billions of adena...
  10. Maybe won't be problem. Than I'll join too. When does it start? I have not seen information about it.
  11. http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/1474/w8j.png Fail. :D
  12. Fail. Again. I wasted my time... -.-
  13. Yes, sure. -.- I sad thx for the shared stuff what I downloaded, cos I am not rude!!! Is it problem? Pf. Than bann me, I don't care. Lot of people write stupid things and me spamming... Pf.
  14. I've enough of this, I del my acc (or bann me, I don't care), bye.
  15. This is the sec. time my posts disappear and I didn't get any pm. -.- Why???I didn't do multi posts!!!
  16. Looks cool. Nice web, I'm waiting. :)
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