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Everything posted by BlOodDeviL

  1. alla3e to id kai eisai ethmos ekeis kolas egw gia tous newbie to ekana... bre id apo to item pou 8es kai balto sti 8esh apo to id ton adena c6
  2. egw dn lew tpt mporeis na to peis opws 8es pes to kai C/P ola ta exw akoush...(pantos einai diko m)
  3. Re file zhtas boi8ia swsta???egw sou eipa auto...nmz oti htan by deafult kai dn ei3eres na thn alazeis...anth na zhtas euxaristw pou mphka ston kopo estw na pw kai auto...to paizeis les kai se ebrisa...ELEOS...
  4. Dokimase auto phgene Control Panel meta Hardware and Sound meta pata Display kai aristera sta mikra gramata leei Change display Settings pata ekei kai meta sou exei na diale3eis (an eimai la8os kai dn les giauto 1000 sugnwmi gia to post)
  5. loipon 1)thn proti erwtish dn ktvl etsi opws thn les 2) 8a to kaneis me Remote Deskopt Connection
  6. [gr]wraio alla lg akuro auto me to aima...giati to aima upiti8ete oti 8erapeuei kanonika upoti8ete oti dn 8a mporouse na knei pliges se auton....oti nane...
  7. Pare Craven me Xartakia Rizla Ciel kai filtrakia Swam kitrina kai eic GG . egw auta pernw kai pernaw 4-5 meres
  8. paidia 3r kanenas apo pou na katevasw to lineage 2 goddess of destruction??
  9. Low Rate Server -No Custom No Donate
  10. GL with you server .Awesome Site
  11. welcome dude have fun and nice stay
  12. ekn mia sta grhgora :
  13. size?
  14. Esu ti 8es mia new h mia na mas dwseis na knoume edit?
  15. HB Dude.
  16. Ama plhrwseis kamposa lapios 8a sou to dwsei ;)
  17. I vote Interlude ;)
  18. dn 8s buffer gatekeeper 8es.....Dn nmz na exei kanena tetio share prepei na to knc mono s...ara prepei na 3rc html pou dn nmz na 3rc...
  19. 100% Unbalance 100% Failzor 100% Custom 100% Dont log in!
  20. Fiddle Vlad Gang
  21. Welcome dude HF and NS
  22. HB dude ;)
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