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Everything posted by manoula

  1. What the f@ck you thing you are Ceystalie ?? You are spaming in a server section w/o any reason! W/o to say something for server FTW you need 1 dekarma.
  2. Hello to everyone Wtb 1 faction pack with a good faction system like l2jclaws! and with some mods! Pm me!!!
  3. seems good server,nice features! i will give a try 4sure!
  4. F2cking kid ,ElfoCrush and devKatara,you are attacking sandora because you cunt open 1 server like that,i dont know Elfo why you have that status on mxc,and attacking server like a kid,you have see any time your face in your mirror? . and look,server get attack all the day and again ppl not leaving.. how you explain that kid.. 570 online before 5 mn kid.!
  5. Lovely Server!
  6. gias maxcheaters,mipos kapios sas exi kanena npc till b grade,h na exi di kanena edw trigiro epidi den vriso,h na exi multisell me mats k recipes thenx
  7. hello,maxcheaters, someon can help me to fint 1 gm shop till b grade with Recipes and mats.or someon have the multisell of mats,recipes ?.
  8. WTS Interlude PvP Server with domain and 70-80+ on.
  9. i want this server online f@ck f@ck F@ck :D:D
  10. Awesome,Nice features,i thing server will rock. site/forum on?
  11. awesome,kamaels are ok now Good Guys,make more uptades and fixes,server on start was a littles unbalanced bad now rock Good,i thing with topzone/hopzone we will have ppl ,good guys keep it!! I like This Server!!! no farm xD,no like some server farming 2-3 days and closed after 5 xD. Gl
  12. kalispera paidia,exw enan server freya mid rate kai 8elw na fixarw ta mana potions ala den borw...benw sta configs alla den mou leei p.x na valw na dinoun 100,bwrei kaneis mipws na me voithisei? kai na mou pei apo pou ta alazw,euxaristo! l2jfreya server einai
  13. file,bwreis na mou peis pio akrivos einai?giati den eida to pollen ekei..
  14. kalispera paidia,exw enan server freya mid rate kai 8elw na fixarw ta mana potions ala den borw...benw sta configs alla den mou leei p.x na valw na dinoun 100,bwrei kaneis mipws na me voithisei? kai na mou pei apo pou ta alazw,euxaristo! opws einai tora mou dinei 50 mp to ka8e potion
  15. i want infos about the grand opening..it looks nice..
  17. u are still a kid,every1 say the same... /tard
  18. @MmmRrrBug u are kid..
  19. he said maybe today,so i wait:P
  20. can u help me with mana potions please?i press on mana potions and it dont gives mp
  21. ty a lot dude
  22. you have the id's? or you know about it? cuz i saw your name Dev...
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