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Everything posted by didiuk

  1. server fail ?
  2. looks nice
  3. 1k+ ? XDDDDDD u are kidding y? xD server look nice but ppl dont like stacksubs :C hope there will be more than 100 online :C
  4. server on?
  5. will be fun
  6. HELLO GUYS SORRY A LOT BUT CAN U LIKE AND SHARE IT !?!??! PLEASE !! ITS 10 SECOUND .. I NEED GET SOME LIKES TODAY . LOOK THIS BEAUTIFUL CAR AND LIKE !!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=220674824789305&set=a.220674621455992.1073741829.180650988791689&type=3&theater
  7. Admin=idiot -.- its so much fail server ... 1 time see something like that -.- he just copy files from x70 -.- idiot like hell .. quests not fixed full bugged server .. admins all time off .. just idiots and one more time idiots -.-
  8. 500 online :) preety nice server :)
  9. i think if they pay for system 1000 USD it must be better alot :)
  10. i playied at start and i have lags but they are no so big :P i dont know what pc or internet u have :P
  11. TODAY START !!!! :D Server Start 2013-08-30 18:00 (GMT+3) !!! http://l2above.com/information !!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. full of lag ? :D hahaha you are kid so stfu :D if server was FULL OF LAGS how u make almost A set ? i see u dont know what it is real lags :D ... Server is very nice so come ppl NOW WILL BE 0 LAGS ! (sorry for my bad english)
  13. http://l2above.com/information
  14. http://l2above.com/index
  15. SERVER HAVE NEW START DATE !! Server Starts 2013-08-30 18:00 (GMT+3) Lithuanian Time 18:00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERVER IS REALY GOOD !! COME AND PLAY ! SERVER WILL HAVE WIPE !!!
  16. what'S happened with site ? BTW spoil is good!!!
  17. admin how about Zero hour quest reward ??? x-??????
  18. Epic features I will join :)
  19. Admin what u thing , how many ppl will be in serv ?
  20. server is online ?
  21. Site - http://la2-kill.ru/index.php Register - http://la2-kill.ru/index.php?f=register Files - http://la2-kill.ru/index.php?f=files LA2-KILL Official Start 15.03.13 Beta start 08.03.13 14.00 (+4:00 GMT) Info : Rates : XP: x100, SP: x100, Drop Adena: x100, Drop Items: x600, Spoil: x1500, Quest: x50, Quest Reward: x10-x20 Raid x15. Epic x1 Enchant : * Safe : 3 * Max For Weapon : 16 * Max For Armor : 10 * Max For Jewels : 10 Rate norm and bless 50% Rb: Epic RB SPAW RETAIL RB's for Alliance 6+2 NORMAL RB 12+12 BARAKIEL 2+2 (lvl 76) Info: GM Shop to B Grade Getting the profession in two clicks "mamon" with all functions Full buff (without resist) On the server there are mobs champions, they have increased the award and amplified characteristics (champs BLUE- xp/sp/drop/spoil/adena x2 RED - xp/sp/drop/spoil/adena x5) 36+4 slot for buff (2 hour all buffs) Available offline sale and craft Skills 100% Argumentation (1+1) chance like off NEW SKILL "Sweeper Festival" now you can easily collect spoil from ALL SPOILED MOBS !! Allowed Subclass: 3 Mana potion : 1000 MP Fully protected server from DDOS, Phx, Wallker, Tower or other third part program. Special commands: .menu .bindhwid Period of Olympic Games on the server-2 weeks, anti-cheat protection goggles (not possible around from one HWID). Restrictions on things +6/+6/+6.
  22. i say before :P 100 online max :P but now i think here will be >50
  23. so official staart is today yea ? and im 1 online on the server? its great :P
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