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About Tipseh

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  1. Does Innova core work to any with l2tower atm ?
  2. Doesnt work in Core server of Lineage2.eu by Innova .
  3. Is there any well working bot for lineage2.eu by Innova?
  4. ddos atk prolly so server is dcing others, if u spam the log in button. Shame the side aint working cant reg :/
  5. That's how they respond when they got nothing better to say ;( Who said , I was russian huh? Btw u just showed ur geographical retardness by thinking I got a mexican flag on my profile , It's an Irish flag u dumb -beep-( Which is in EU if u even know what that is) do u guys get thought anything while u're in school overthere? o.O Like I mean Mexica is right beside you and u dont even know their freaking flag looks, that's pathetic.
  6. Lmfao American arrogance will never have any limits, always thinking they're better then every1 else in this world... Innova might have some bots but it would prolly make up only 10-20% of total bots in NCwest. Oh yeah better quality fo sure ^_^ You've got more population then Innova's eu server which has been up for 2 weeks while ncwest has been around for 7 years tho u still cant beat their russian servers as they've got twice as much population then ur NA servers. Oh and btw who always gets the latest updates first? is it ncwest oh sry no it's not ;( l2.ru had GoD version 1,5 months before ncwest got their hand on it. No wonder 1/5 of Americans cant locate their own country on a Map... No even gonna mention other countries .
  7. Lags are because the servers are located in USA, also siege time also sucks at 4 am in the morning. Lineage2.eu is way better for european players ^^ New server Aria just started yesterday.
  8. They alrdy did gave better service by supplying ppl with needed numbers of quest mobs during start for 2 days straight what did ncsoft do ? Gms actualy answer pms within 5-10 mins and try to help u as much as they can. If there's 200+ ppl w8ing for quest mobs all u gotta do is pm them and they'll spawn some. Doubt u see any gm activity in NCwest, it's only better for Americans as it suits their GMT. Also hardly any american player will ever admit that Innova is better than their ncwest simply because Innova is Russian, they just wouldnt be able to handle the fact that Russian service is being better then their own becuz of their redneck brain.
  9. You made my day. Botland FTL
  10. Innova> NA ncsoft anytime, they have god released in russia like 1,5 month ago. Also their protection is way better against bots even if it was leaked, do u guys actualy think they dont know that? and they'll keep updating it unlike ncsoft who was and always will be a fuckin botland.+ ping differences for eu players and every1 knows that us has shitter server providers than europe...And their beta is going great had like nearly 1k peeps today just on beta which is crazy. Also i had no lag unlike in na... ALso just looks at the effect of their items in the shop and their lol stats e.g zaken swords OP bullshit.
  11. Special enchant rates which are really good for new comers. 97 % +4 94 % +5 90 % +6 86 % +7 81 % +8 76 % +9 70 % +10 64 % +11 57 % +12 50% +13 42 % +14 42% +15 42 % +16 42 % +17 Also the server us tehgamers server's files so it's rly stable. And the staff is open to suggestions. Btw Im just player. @xD U should state ur reasons why u didnt like it and what u think was bad in it, before spreading bad publicity^^
  12. There is new pvp server that launched on Friday 25th of November 2011 at 13:37 GMT+1. Lineage 2 Leet Leveling and gearing up is easy - you can get your first pvp kills in no time after creating your character. Its suitable for both solo and/or team players - depending on Your preference! - Rates: x1337 exp, x1337 sp, x3 drop, x2000 adena, x3 spoil - Features: * Custom enchant rates / great for newcomers - starts at 95% for +4 and gradually falling (easy to get +10, very hard to get past +16) !!!!! * Safe/Max enchant - +3/ +18 * Territory Wars & Castle Sieges every week - saturday & sunday * Olympiad every week - new heroes every sunday at midday! * Attribute system limited to lvl 7 for both weapons/armors * Currency - adena and special currency * Free class & subclass & noblesse change * AIO NPC - Global Gatekeeper, GM shop, NPC Buffer * Custom commands: .event/.join, .afk, .language * Automated PVP events accesed by .event/.join command - Team Vs Team, Capture The Flag, Fortress Siege, Domination, Town War - events are Instanced!!!! * Language system - seperate chat channel accesed by .language command ('-' or '^' for speaking on the language chat) * LeetZones - clan reward via CaptureZone system, pvp reward via LeetZone Ranking system * spawn protection system * smart newbie protection system * offline shop system (leave your shop on and use 'exit client') * doesn't consume S grade shots and sets them to auto use every time you login There are going to be new events and features added in the future but core setup of the server (enchant rates, prices etc.) will not change so you can expect stable gaming environment here! Lineage 2 Leet It's a pritty awesome server , which doesnt require much farming and looks pritty awesome ofc there's always room for improvement...
  13. Server Running fine, it's pritty fun and easy to farm
  14. @mk997 and others Class merge will take some time tho as the awekening is at 85 and that's only the awekening to get the full skills/new buffs u got to lvl up all the way to 99 which I'd say wont be easy as some people might think it to be, so before any1 trying to say that bd/sws is gonna be useless u gotta realese that first u gotta lvl ur enchanter class all the way to 99 to outsource bd/sws buffs .
  15. As the man above said Open up low rate / mid rate server starting with c2 or c3 and then move up a chronicle time after time . E.g Start at c2 2-3 months move up to c3 4-6 months move up to c4 3-5 months move up to c5 2-3 months move up to interlude 3-4 months later move up to hellbound if possible. So even if u keep updating the chronicle every few months in total u got like 12-21 months of gameplay which is enourmous amount of time these for a server as most of them last month or two max. Also u'd prolly get allotta old school english speaking ppl comming back to play ur server if u would do ur advertisement correctly ofc, cuz in all fairness all the normal ppl left after c3- c4. Who played l2 from prelude up to interlude can tell that prelude to c3 was the best period in l2 pvp wise and balance wise.
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