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Everything posted by ethos
WTS [WTS]L2JHydrogue ProJeCt!
ethos replied to xMrBomBaStiC's topic in Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]
still w8ing for an answer -
WTB [WTB] L2J Interlude Retail like Pack
ethos replied to ethos's topic in Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]
at least a pack that is close to retail... Don't tell me that there is no such thing cause i have seen server that close to retail with Java packs but the don't sell their pack or they sell it for a high amount of euros.. I am not trying to find a pack that's 100% retail like with all bugs fixed (i will never find that i know)... I am trying to find a paid active project which is already have the most major bugs fixed and have a good support that aims to reach retail. Romanians have some good l2j packs but i can't get in touch with them cause i don't know a bit of Romanian. Note: I have received a couple of PMs regarding me retail like java packs. They told me that they resell the pack and they bought it for more than 200e and such things...but when i ask for a test server with gm access i get no answer so i take those messages as scam attempts... -
WTS [WTS]L2JHydrogue ProJeCt!
ethos replied to xMrBomBaStiC's topic in Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]
I prefer to hire a lawyer and rape your ass instead of kissing him, because you stole my money scam! Get lost and don't mess with me kid. -
WTS [WTS]L2JHydrogue ProJeCt!
ethos replied to xMrBomBaStiC's topic in Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]
I prefer to hire a lawyer and rape your ass instead of kissing him, because you stole my money scam! Get lost and don't mess with me kid. -
WTS [WTS]L2JHydrogue ProJeCt!
ethos replied to xMrBomBaStiC's topic in Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]
give me an ip and a char with gm access to test your server... NOTE: I have been scammed bad from that kid named Klebitz with his facking l2jawake project and i am not going to be scammed again... If this is a remake of l2jawake then i will report you for scamming people and i will go further more this time... Regards -
WTS [WTS]L2JHydrogue ProJeCt!
ethos replied to xMrBomBaStiC's topic in Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]
give me an ip and a char with gm access to test your server... NOTE: I have been scammed bad from that kid named Klebitz with his facking l2jawake project and i am not going to be scammed again... If this is a remake of l2jawake then i will report you for scamming people and i will go further more this time... Regards -
Source aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server
ethos replied to Tryskell's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
keep it up m8...i watch your topic everyday! You are close to a stable release! Thanks for this quality project -
Fack you noob vorfin. STFU cause you are his friend and trying to steal peoples money selling another ones project claiming to be yours.. NOOBS you see? more proofs that klebitz is NOT a trusted seller And thats the truth that came out of hiding... That d1ck sold more than 20 times that stolen project and doesn't even know about java... There are more than 10 tickets older than 3weeks regarding major bugs in his svn and he commits fixes about htmls and etc. Yeah Vorfin says "dont believe ethos." They think that i am 10yo kid whom likes to be scammed.. MORONS!
you think your smart dumbass.. tell people the truth... that you got this abandon pack from someone else and now you trying to fix it but you don't even know java to fix the bugs that your customers already opened tickets in your svn noob.At least test your pack before selling it idiot and don't claim features that are bugged 101%... This dialog says it all: http://i54.tinypic.com/309sr55.jpg Look how awesome you walk with geodata: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-OdVVBAz8Y GO GO Buy THIS FAIL PACK.. Im off cause this topic is getting bumped as we talk and Klebitz only want money from customers but his pack does not WORTH it! FACK OFF! SCAMMER
Klebitz let the mxc people judge if i am a retard. Here is the conversation with Klebitz with PMs regarding my post in his topic. http://i54.tinypic.com/309sr55.jpg We start with the enchant system which is fixed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX5m8kqGP4E After is the GeoData Engine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-OdVVBAz8Y Klebitz you are a moron whom leaked a project from a discontinued russian team and trying to fix/update the bugs alone and making commits without even testing them first. I have bought this project now and 2 weeks and still cant run it on me server and i am not gonna w8 till you fix your leaked project.
3 Days ago "r3sp3ct - Trial" Yesterday "r3sp3ct - Banned" Today "r3sp3ct"
Anyone knows a Java Pack that is working with no bugs at retail level to suggest me? Also if there are any kind of protections included. I am searching some days now but i can't find a pack to be retail like with all its features tested and working 100% ! I will pay around 50e. If the pack have support and updates i will pay more!
[Question] Dedicated Server Upload Speed
ethos posted a question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Hey guyz i have ordered a hetzner.de X4 server to getting started with dedicated servers. http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produkte_rootserver/x4 and the description says this NIC: 100 MBit Traffic: Unlimited* but when i run a speedtest on the server i get this upload speed: anyone knows why is only 10mb upload speed? thanks -
Version 0.4 is online 8)
Just bought it and its full of bugs... I lost my money cause of that noob.
[Question] Dedicated Hosting Plan...
ethos replied to ethos's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
ok thanks for the info m8.have a nice day! -
[Question] Dedicated Hosting Plan...
ethos replied to ethos's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
so i can avoid it...thanks a lot for the answer dude.. -
[Question] Dedicated Hosting Plan...
ethos replied to ethos's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Οκ σου ευχομαι μεσα απο την καρδια μου καλη επιτυχια , αλλα να θυμασαι τα λογια μου, χιλιες φορες να ασχολιόσουν με κατι που θα εβγαζες χρημα παρα με αυτο. Αν το γουσταρεις καντο , ισα ισα δεν θα το μετανιωσεις απλα θα βαλεις μυαλο. Απλα απο θεμα ασφαλειας, το DDoS δεν μπορεις να το ελενξεις. Καλη σου μερα Wink He said: -
[Question] Dedicated Hosting Plan...
ethos replied to ethos's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
ah at last an answer on the topic...i still haven't started the server and people threaten me about ddos... Anyway can anyone explain a bit what is going on with the whole plesk thing and if i can avoid it? thanks.! -
[Question] Dedicated Hosting Plan...
ethos replied to ethos's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
[en]If i dont try by myself i will never know whats going on with servers...about the money i dont care if i spend 100-200e since i got a standar job with 1000+e. Im not thinking to make a server to become number 1 and for protection im thinking about lameguard...im still searching.. [gr]An den dokimaso kai monos mou omws file mou den tha mathw ti pezei...oso gia ta xrimata me 100-200e den egine kai tpt otan exw standar douleia me 1000+e mistho. den skeftome na sikoso server gia na ginei number 1 kai kati allo skeftome gia lameguard protection...akoma sto psaksimo eimai... -
[Question] Dedicated Hosting Plan...
ethos replied to ethos's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
off topic... -
[Question] Dedicated Hosting Plan...
ethos replied to ethos's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Ok thanks for the answers guyz.I will go for windows 2008 then since im total noob with linux.. -
[Question] Dedicated Hosting Plan...
ethos posted a question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Hi there people of mxc, i have 2 questions. I'm thinking to host an l2j server and for start i think to host it here: http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produkte_rootserver/x4 and i want to ask you what OS should i use Windows Server 2008 or Linux... I don't have any experience with Linux but i am willing to learn because some people say that Linux is way more secure to host your server than windows... And windows server 2008 have a monthly fee of 25e (i dont get why there is monthly fee and not setup fee (once)) that means more money.. What do you suggest me? Also i want to ask about the Plesk Panel? Is it a must or it is optional? If its optional do u suggest me use it and why? (also have monthly fee) thanks to anyone whom helps me..