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Posts posted by Pulentolento

  1. I do not think is a server side, because I have been using different patch from other servers linking to my server and this issue doesn't happen. Just edkith patch is the problem.


    I checked other patch in xdat file and it have the same info as mine, so I pretty sure it has to be on interface.u code.

    I would like to check their code inside in this file but they are encrypted.

  2. Link of the scam: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/204548-completly-ready-server-l2off/


    User Profile: http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/183701-dubluw-sesa/

    User Skype: dubluw_sesa


    I report this scammer a few month ago: 



    Post #640


    The scammer skype is the same as Markwill User, which got banned by scamm. Also He pump the post from July 16 on Marketplace to try to sell again his files.


    By the way, those files are shared already.



  3. Someone know how to setup or activate the primeshop on GF-Vanganth Extender?


    I have already running Premium app on server side and I added those line on Client Side:

    in l2server.ini I have this lines also activate
    What else should I do to make this button show up in game?
  4. Link of the scam: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/206745-l2off-interlude-completly-scripts/


    User Profile: Markwil

    Skype: markwilbertl2 or dubluw_sesa


    Paypal Accounts: lineage2ecliptic@gmail.com and gm.smiley@hotmail.com


    1.- Transaction and proof of Paypal accounts are the same user. Both deal were made on his "dubluw_sesa" skype account


    * When I paid for Interlude Script Files and CP:

    Chat: Proof

    Paypal Transaction: Proof


    * When I paid for GF Vanganth Sources:

    Conversation: Proof

    Paypal Transaction: Proof


    * Chat with Mark when I asked him his Paypal email:



    2.- As He stopped using "dubluw_sesa" account, and never answer my request of the files I bought from him, I made a second account on Skype to check if he still talking with people or not.

    So I asked him if I pay for the files right now, when I can receive the files:


    Chat: Proof


    And the last chat with him when I asked him why he didn't send me the files after a week waiting for it:


    Chat: Proof


    Thx and please Ban this guy and stay away from him.


    Moderator, if you need more proof, I can give you access on TW and show you the all chat of Skype and Paypal transaction.

  5. Hey Minister, you know scammers always will denied what they did... SO I'm not surprise he is ignoring this shared.

    And as far I can see, you and Mark are the 99.9% doesn't know which files are missing, as "smeli" posted before.


    Anyway, I will report his scam in the right section and I got enough proff to ban this Gypsy.


    Btw, are you still selling Synerge jobs from Sorins files?  


    Ok guys, and I'm done of this discussion.



  6. Some body tried to make a custom item as a Rune but increasing Fame instead?


    I saw this item on E-Global GF server:


    "Fame Rune (+50%) 1 Hour a,If stored in your quest inventory, obtained Fame rate by 50%. The remaining time is spent, even if you're not in the game. This item cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Bonuses, which you get from rune the same type is not summarized"


    Any ideas how to do it on Skilldata?






  7. Ok, I figure out by myself.


    I change the class name as a "tutorial_quest_npc" and the code test works prefectly!.


    So apparently it works just for that class name.


    The final class will be:

    class tutorial_quest_npc
    	EventHandler USER_CONNECTED(talker)
    		if (talker.level < 6)
    			myself.ShowPage (talker, "welcome_human_fighter001.htm");

    It works for GF/H5 files on AdvExt extender.

  8. Hi


    Somebody tried to do this kind of feature?


    After reading this post from 2012:



    I tried to edit and add a new class on AI using this handler "user_connected", and here is the code I made for test:

    class welcome_tutorial
    	EventHandler USER_CONNECTED(talker)
    		if (talker.level < 6)
    			myself.ShowPage (talker, "welcome_human_fighter001.htm");

    So after rebooting the server and making new characters, I have no luck, nothing show up.


    I missing something else to add on this class?


    Btw, I'm using AdvExt/GF extender.



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