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Posts posted by Pulentolento

  1. Hi Guys


    I have been trying to make this Vitality Bar on H5 Client.




    As you can see, it looks fine as GOD client like, but my problem is when I tried to stretch:




    The dividers doesn't moved proportional as Status Windows. It supposed to be like this:




    So, there is someone who has already tried this on H5 client? or even on IT or GF?


    Thx guys and I hope someone can give me a clue.



  2. It requires interface.u modifications, the .ugx files and modifications to the engine.dll.


    I have made the exact same system for Epilogue, albeit without the ability to display damage information on other characters since the Epilogue engine.dll does not have the functions required to make that work.

    Have you tried doing it on H5 client as a test? 

  3. olympiadResultWnd is called directly from DLLs, even if you add new GFxFlash implementation to ugx file it will just not work. In H5 you would need to create link to each flash function directly and also call that file when it is required, by editing DLL with IDA Pro.

    In GOD they made Flash files linked with Interface.u, when you create new UC with GFxUIScript extension then it will be automatically loaded to the system. To make flash window be triggered, you just need to register event(like EV_ReceiveOlympiadGameList).

    A ok, make sense! thx Vampir  ;D


    But I'm kind of confuse about this guy:




    He answered my question about if He can adapt the Evasion/Critical Damage screen like GOD to H5, and He said "Yes". So now I'm wondering if He is coding straight on Interface.u? or adapting Ugx/Swf on H5 Client.


    Just wondering if is true about this guy.

  4. For any Chronicle? Can you show some settings of your events? Like if they can be set by time and which day?, prizes of the players can received, etc etc...


    I'm asking about it, because you can find those events shared on other forums. If your events have unique features, please provide or describe them, thx :)

  5. Hey Guys!!


    I have been using XDAT Editor to make new Windows.


    The problem I found and the lack of information of this software, I couldn't find on Internet anything of how to use this Script Console. I just found some samples of "SAVO" He shared long time ago on other RU forums.


    I know you can add windows, tabs, textures etc, etc, if you are using the GUI, but some times when your project is getting too big, better start using the Script Console.


    So, long story short, this is the problem:


    How to add a "TabElement" and filling it with some data information? for example this is the code I have been trying:

    println "Data Base Windows"
    xdat.windows.add(new Window(
    	name: "DataBaseWnd",
    	anchored: 0,
    	size: 1,
    	size_absolute_width: 800,
    	size_absolute_height: 490,
    	usePosition: 1,
    	relativePoint: Alignment.TOP_LEFT,
    	anchorPoint: Alignment.TOP_LEFT,
    	parent: "undefined",
    	backTex: "L2UI_CT1.Windows_DF_Large_Bg",
    	script: "DataBaseWnd",
    	state: "GamingState",
    	frame: 1,
    	hidden: 1,
    	alwaysFullAlpha: 1,
    	savePosition: 1,
    	title: 6000,
    	exitbutton: 1,
    	workingConfiguration: "Game"))
    def DataBaseWnd = xdat.windows["DataBaseWnd"]
    DataBaseWnd.children.add(new Texture(
    	name: "TexTabBg",
    	parentName: "MagicSkillWnd",
    	anchored: 0,
    	size: 1,
    	size_absolute_width: 800,
    	size_absolute_height: 458,
    	usePosition: 1,
    	relativePoint: Alignment.TOP_LEFT,
    	anchorPoint: Alignment.TOP_LEFT,
    	anchor_y: 31.0,
    	virtual: 1,
    	file: "L2UI_CT1.tab.tab_df_bg",
    	type: "Stretch",
    	layer: "Background",
    	alpha: -9999))
    DataBaseWnd.children.add(new Texture(
    	name: "TexTabBgLine",
    	alwaysOnBack: 1,
    	parentName: "MagicSkillWnd",
    	anchored: 0,
    	size: 1,
    	size_absolute_width: 631,
    	size_absolute_height: 30,
    	usePosition: 1,
    	relativePoint: Alignment.TOP_LEFT,
    	anchorPoint: Alignment.TOP_LEFT,
    	anchor_x: 164.0,
    	anchor_y: 31.0,
    	virtual: 1,
    	file: "L2UI_CT1.tab.tab_df_bg_line",
    	type: "Stretch",
    	layer: "Background",
    	alpha: -9999))
    DataBaseWnd.children.add(new Tab(
    	name: "DataBaseTabCtrl",
    	parentName: "DataBaseWnd",
    	anchored: 0,
    	size: 1,
    	size_absolute_width: 160,
    	size_absolute_height: 23,
    	usePosition: 1,
    	relativePoint: Alignment.TOP_LEFT,
    	anchorPoint: Alignment.TOP_LEFT,
    	anchor_x: 8.0,
    	anchor_y: 31.0))
    def DataBaseTabCtrl = DataBaseWnd.children["DataBaseTabCtrl"]
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[0].buttonName = 6001
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[0].target = "NpcDataTab"
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[0].width = 78
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[0].height = 23
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[0].normalTex = "L2UI_CT1.tab.Tab_DF_Tab_Unselected"
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[0].pushedTex = "L2UI_CT1.tab.Tab_DF_Tab_Selected"
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[1].buttonName = 6002
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[1].target = "ItemDataTab"
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[1].width = 78
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[1].height = 23
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[1].normalTex = "L2UI_CT1.tab.Tab_DF_Tab_Unselected"
    DataBaseTabCtrl.tabs[1].pushedTex = "L2UI_CT1.tab.Tab_DF_Tab_Selected"
    println "done!"

    And this is the error of the Script Console:

    Data Base Windows
    java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot set property 'buttonName' on null object
    	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.NullObject.setProperty(NullObject.java:80)
    	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper.setProperty(InvokerHelper.java:195)
    	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.setProperty(ScriptBytecodeAdapter.java:484)
    	at Script1.run(Script1.groovy:86)
    	at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.evaluate(GroovyShell.java:585)
    	at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.evaluate(GroovyShell.java:623)
    	at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.evaluate(GroovyShell.java:594)
    	at acmi.l2.clientmod.xdat.scripting.Controller.lambda$execute$0(Controller.java:156)
    	at acmi.l2.clientmod.xdat.scripting.Controller$$Lambda$442/1071997580.call(Unknown Source)
    	at acmi.l2.clientmod.xdat.XdatEditor.lambda$execute$7(XdatEditor.java:219)
    	at acmi.l2.clientmod.xdat.XdatEditor$$Lambda$209/1755738610.run(Unknown Source)
    	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
    	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

    So, as you can see, the problem is when I'm trying to add some data information on "DataBaseTabCtrl".


    I hope someone have any clue or experience doing this process and it would be grateful share their knowledge to resolve this issue.


    thx so much guys!!

  6. Is not nwindows, the patch who have this issue fixed, is using NWindows.dll retail.


    Maybe Savo was telling you on interface.u on MacroEditWnd class:

    const MACROICON_MAX_COUNT = 104;



    There is the only line were you can increase the number of icons you added it on L2UI.utx.



    I'm still searching codes to find out what it could be... as far I can see, its a texture problem, and for some reason after you made you macro and save it, it won't load the texture on MacroList Windows.



    I hope some one have another idea or clue to check it out.

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