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Posts posted by Pulentolento

  1. 8 hours ago, Re1d said:

    hello, anybody knows how to find these files so i can change the pwd and username for this?


    Everytime i run donationsReader.bat i get this error .


    Now i understand i have to change the credentials i just can't find the file to edit..i have been looking in donations.java and nothing there.


    Some help would be greatly appreciated.


    thanks gyis



    Because you have not set your gmail properly to make it work with this donation engine. Do not waste your time trying to use it because is not worth it.

  2. As far I remember, when I got this data pack from Vanganth SVN server before He closed, I have never gotten those errors you mentioned.


    You might did something on script folder or something on sources code... Im not expert to answer your issue, but like I said before, never got any error using this data pack.



  3. Hello


    As far I know, in order to open a custome window for a specific NPC, you must edit interface.u and create a script for it. Also if you want to modify this U file, you need to decrypt it, and have some knowledge on Unrealscript to make the script works for this NPC.

    I know someone in this forum shared the compiler for interface.u but I think it was for IL, I do not know if it was for H5, you might search on RU forums where it was shared as well.

    Can you tell us for which client are you planing to mod? 




    9 hours ago, FactorX said:

    I search alot of time but i don;t find that NPCDialogWnd.

    Where is it in Interface.XDAT and with what program i can open  Interface.XDAT. (i am usin Xdat Editor) Thanks


    Oh, are you using Interlude client?

  5. Those question you are making, are related with "Client Development Help" , I will answer in that section.


    Moderator, please can you move this topic to Client Development Help?  Thx.

  6. As far I know, if you want to make the NPC Dialog bigger, you need to edit "NPCDialogWnd".

    The problem doing that, it will make ALL of the NPC's dialog look the same size as your GM-SHOP.


    So in order to make a specific NPC have his own custom dialog windows, you need to edit interface.u and create a new script for it.

    Otherwise, if you are Java Developer, you can make this happen from server side.


    I hope this can help.

  7. 34 minutes ago, wakowako said:

    I have seen a lot of controversy with this pack.
    Is it really worth to use on a server? It has backdoors/exploits? What is the problem with these files?

    If you want to use this pack, go ahead, it's nothing wrong in this pack. Just make sure to get a protection services for bots like Sguard or Smartguard.

    Also this pack it's ready to go, so pretty much you need to change the names and edit some stuff on client patch. 


    Good luck!


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