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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. Render that I made p.s its not perfect, but that was raw, before i did all the work with it
  2. he is definitely not an owner, I know that for sure, after some digging, i have found this http://gimper.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1243 However , I found the render my self, and i found a background myself with different colours and i changed it by doing a color hue. I will show more proofs when im back on my home pc
  3. thanks drac http://nice-cool-pics.com/data/media/14/lineage_2_-_the_chaotic_throne.jpg thats the render i used, background i made myself, with different brushes. I cut out the elf to make a render. :) Ill try and fix the font thanks for the critism :) Hows that looking?
  4. I was really bored so i thought of making myself a signature :) another one
  5. that could be possible, I shall think about it, thanks for the idea.
  6. Well i would put it up to 90 but elfocrash, is already making his server go up to 90 , and i dont want to copy his features, therefore, i decided to move the level down to 80 and move some skills from 85 down to 80 not all however.
  7. I gave some of the ideas through pm, if you could look through them, ill appreciate it.
  8. I am looking for Trusted and good players for a private Beta that will be going on for 3 days. I need max 10 people to check skills, instances, and some bugs that i may not seen before. I would like for people that are interested to send me an application of why they would like to be a beta tester, and their experience in lineage 2. Best Regards Latara23
  9. Well L2j people decided to be smart and encode into enterworld.java "developed by l2j" etc. how can i get rid of it? By reversing the enterworld.java to a earlier revision ? or get a code from the earlier revision and paste it onto the new one... L2j- Hi5pack
  10. lameguard can be easily bypassed, l2tower cannot be stopped by that
  11. Just wondering guys what maximum level would you like to see in hi5 and why? any support in comments would be very appriciated
  12. I think this kid thinks I was born yesterday or something, Well I tell you what nazi lover, I think you forgot about a nice shower this morning haven't you :)? Back on topic, ban this guy or better yet ip ban him would be nice. Ah the profile picture that you have? Is it your mum ? Best Regards Matt
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