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Everything posted by josecarlosfl18

  1. It's should cuz it's database usage not server side files...
  2. Amazing... But only One Question. A Really AIO NPC it's one that make all the work with only one spawn, you know like AIO NPC by Allen, I'd waiting for long time a go a work like that on H5... A npc that can do all stuff, GmShop, Pk Informer, GmShop, Warehouse, Clan, Skill Enchanter, Nobless Manager, etc etc etc... Can this collection be improved into one NPC that can handle all stuff in one menu? That would be a huge improve... Thanks for share and fixes, and of course, nevermore for inicial npc's... ^_^
  3. As Zoey76 says... Debian is good, but in matter of security, RedHat based system are the best one... Of course Red Hat are paid, so use Cent-OS that it's free edition without nothing to envied to Red Hat... Also i'm network administrator with over 7 server all of them running Cent-OS web/mail/proxy/squid/samba and others without any complain... Also in my L2Server use Cent-OS of course ^_^
  4. Implement a better password authentication like public/key... and dont have web on same gameserver
  5. Edited & fixed... Thnks... In a while i will post a real guide, will be the best guide, the update for this one builded by me and with a complete rebuild of Optimization part, more precisely MySQL optimization, and in CentOS linux O.S... jejeje ^_^
  6. and... stop spamm dude... wanna post? do something usefull like answering questions under Help forum, instead of 'good'...
  7. Excuses me but... i dont get all the idea of this "anti-cheat",let's me ask some few questions before download it... 1- run into the server (server protection side) or into the client (making a custom system with custom protection)? 2- IF it's run into the server (server side protection), there something like that to linux platform??? I see *exe files on the explanation, so that sistem wont work under Linux operating system... Thanks in advance for advice and help received...
  8. That's should be the next generation of walkers... Nice share... Great effort... Keep doing dude...
  9. i will never understand how bang point does really word :S
  10. Dislike: 1- High players facking low one's in any zone... (Protect the newbie!) 2- To much custom stuff and lot of them only paid. (Donators are the health but not a donation exclusive). 3- Overpower custom items & stuffs. Get one and become god ¬_¬! 4- Bugs of health, Mana, Patk, and others s.h.i.t.s ... 300kkk of HP??? O_O 5- In a Week (or worse, a day) get all the stuff around here and there... 6- Any class can buy any skill... 7- Only adena in drops... Where the h.e.l.l are the Warmish??? 8- Without classes stackable (a love sub stack system ^_^)... 9- Overenchant ( > 15 or unlimited) making one hit and die in critical... 10- A year or bit less to start of be a decent player (items, armor, weapons and more) 11- Gk to everywhere... 12- Condemned cities because of lag caused by vendors... Like: 1- Events... 2- Stack classes... 3- Buffers in town 4- A lot of people to talk, play, pvp, and others... 5- Trader Zone for vendors. (not a city). 6- Get everything by others medias. Like GMShop with goldbar and others.
  11. use mysql console, and copy/paste that code... Or into Query in Navicat replace your: bobi for your username and some_pass for your password and Your_fixed_ip for your ip (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)...
  12. L2jFree doen't compile with ant... It's compile with Maven, files used for compile are .pom not .xml
  13. When a buffer give a buff, into the core has defined, buff_id and buff_lvl... Just change Level from skill... mostly lvl115 for a +15 time or lvl130 for a +30 enchant... You can use skill_table of your database for get skill_if (buff_id) and enchant_skill_tree for a enchant lvl of the skill_id... Enjoy...
  14. Yeahh? My mon can do a best video... This it's just a animation of how a virus expand over a PC, it's not a technical definition of a CPU virus infection... come on people... this it's just a myth...
  15. Damaged your processor??? DUDE THIS IS REALLY WEAR ANSWER.... What virus did that in your laptop? leveling to 100% of processor capacity??? If a friend said that to you, it's a really gorgeous BIG lair... Dude, processor are to think, work to 100% it's nothing for him they are made to do that... The only thing that i think it's that your laptop got 100% of processing and he didn't get enougth cooling system for a prolongate time... Plus that a laptop aren't to uses as a desktop PC... isn't build for be 24H uptime, or more... This is not a virus this is a USER problem ¬_¬!
  16. It's not big deal... It's the L2DC Linux server guide by Cyberfox (all credits to him), it's a book in PDF format that show you how to -beep-t your own server in linux platform... i see that it's missing and all the links are broken or not funtionly... For people that know linux, doesn't matter what version of linux it's... as the tittle say it's Re-Share, of course, free of virus, PDF files doesn't have virus...
  17. I got a list most complete... Includes: Buff, Orc, Improved, Song, Dance, Summon Blessing and Gifts, Kamael & Blacksmith Buff... All the buff have 1 hout (3600 seg) of duration... If you want to increase time, chance the 3600 number before coma to any you want (30min = 1800, 1 hour = 3600, 1seg = 1, multiply SegxTimeinHour/Minutes) 1204,3600;1087,3600;1085,3600;1062,3600;1243,3600;1045,3600;1048,3600;1078,3600;1242,3600;1059,3600;1077,3600;1240,3600;1086,3600;1036,3600;1035,3600;1068,3600;1259,3600;1040,3600;1268,3600;1303,3600;1311,3600;1388,3600;1389,3600;1363,3600;1284,3600;1416,3600;1356,3600;1355,3600;1357,3600;1413,3600;4702,3600;4703,3600;4700,3600;4699,3600;1323,3600;1393,3600;1392,3600;1033,3600;1182,3600;1189,3600;1191,3600;1259,3600;1352,3600;1353,3600;1354,3600;1032,3600;1043,3600;1044,3600;1460,3600;1397,3600;1047,3600;1073,3600;1257,3600;1461,3600;1476,3600;1477,3600;1478,3600;1479,3600;825,3600;826,3600;827,3600;828,3600;829,3600;830,3600;1232,3600;1238,3600;1457,3600;307,3600;276,3600;309,3600;274,3600;275,3600;272,3600;277,3600;273,3600;311,3600;365,3600;310,3600;271,3600;530,3600;765,3600;364,3600;264,3600;306,3600;269,3600;270,3600;265,3600;363,3600;349,3600;308,3600;305,3600;304,3600;267,3600;266,3600;268,3600;529,3600;764,3600;76,750;83,750;109,750;282,750;292,750;298,750;425,750; To make it's work edit your config files in those lines: EnableModifySkillDuration = True SkillDurationList = (list above)... Using XMl files you need to edit from gameserver/data/stats/skills files: 0000-0099.xml to 2300-2399.xml and 4300-4399.xml to 4700-4799.xml Have fun...
  18. 1- Server that you can login but not enter... - Check if game server connect properly to the database. - Check in the game server console if connect fine with login server after finish load. 2- Server that cannot login - Create auto account it's enable in the config files? - If it's false, account that with you are trying to enter exist into the database?
  19. Some of MySQL values are just WRONG dude... If you configure your server with those config you need to have.. ammm 40gb of ram??? If you have 256MB of table cache... and you have 20 tables into your db, make the numbers 256x20??... How many connexion to the database? 2000??? 256mb x 20 tables (each one) x 2000 connexions??? A lot of RAM memory without count your 1024MB of innodb cache for his transactions... 10240GB of ram, or 10.40TB... It's just wrong this guide... Another i-dont-know-just-copy-paste guide without brain on it... 600ppl??? Bofff....
  20. Use ssh connexion, left the 3306 and 22 port open on your server, and use ssh tunneling instead of a authentication gain 3306 port in MySql... both need a password in order to run... And the machine that makes a programmed backup need to be run over the time (or in moment with backup it's spouse to do) Also you need to create a user in MySql that need to be able to connect to your server IP, not localhost (default ones), not (default ones), the server IP...
  21. 1- Version? 2- Pre-compile pack? 3- Whats show the full log in gameserver stdout.log?
  22. On multisell system you can configure that item bought keep enchant level... Get the other armor and some adena in charge of the new one... Or sell them already enchanted...
  23. Missing for a long time ago... Here you go! Reuploaded by me... ;D http://www.mediafire.com/?p5mp10fdp1w6svf Enjoy... ;)
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