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Everything posted by EvilD3ViL

  1. don't u think 35% for normal scrolls and 90% for blessed scrolls is TOO MUCH DIFFERENCE?LOL U only do this for votes...no good staff
  2. I tried to play here..couldn't even get near farm mobs.
  3. JiZ this is like ur 5th server that i know all Gracia Epilogue..and the Denmark guy is Zavis ofc.. Srsly..ur servers are good..but they always lack of population..what u planning to do about that?
  4. 3 ppl online , but server is not worth playing..trust me
  5. but u put 24 dances/songs in buffslots , no quest for sub, auto-learn skills, and all other features that i don't think maintain ''retail L2''.. 1 Question: Buff Duration? gl with it
  6. 5 Subs but no certificates... No atributes.. but +30 enchant..it sounds like an IL package used in Gracia..happened sometimes :D (kamaels owned ofc..) I bet it will be a kamael server...i'm joining ;)
  7. how many ppl online u expect at live start?
  8. Seems nice..i am joining but i want to know 1 thing: Hero period how much is it ? EDIT: ok i saw its retail...can u change it to 1 or 2 weeks?1 month is too much time on a PvP server man :|
  9. Server just crashed ;D And Admin is just making some retard nerfs that only ruin the gameplay instead of balancing it..but whatever.. Server has 55 ppl online..30 of them are bots..GM giving gcm to whoever he wants w/o any reason..maybe Vote reward but he doesn't want to give reward to all..thats just patethic..and the oly period is undecided i think..i see only manual Heroes...i also see here at this Topic a guy named: TEOGR-Hitmaker..and the strange coincidence that i see a hero SpS named TEOGR and also a GM named Hitmaker.. Very strange right?;o Farm is easy and u can have some fun PvP....if u dont mind corruption and changes that unbalance game made the faithfull and loyal GMa nd Admin the this is the server for u!..GL i tought this server had a chance to be a nice server but as always some kid GM's just want to have fun ::)
  10. 30 max?I suggest 25 or maybe 20..30 is too much and most of servers with max 30 are fails..(99% of them) Gl with ur server..
  11. maybe SoulHound had Sword Shield on?and maybe set +10? u have to know items man..but still 216 is lame :) Anyway i'll try the wildcard thing..lets see if it works. Edit: Wild-Card-EPILOGUE?...u sure it works ?
  12. ffs at least u can log in..i can't even log cus of a gameguard error..
  13. We inform you that the Account Registration Are Open & File Hosts Are Online! 16.00 GTM +1 And At 17 GTM +1 L2-X Start! u can create acc and download Hosts file at 16:00 and at 17:00 u can log in game.I think its clear enough.. And about features i like them.But as always some clases will be OP..I'm sure it will be tank server EDIT: can some1 give me a link with a CLEAN FREYA SYSTEM? thx
  14. Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL I can't connect to ur website
  15. yes and it looks very good. GM is on and making event in Coliseum right now.. Easy lvl up (kill Gremlins) Easy farm ,with mobs killable in A grade..and good drops.. Very good server , i suggest u to join if u are looking for a PvP Freya :)
  16. hmm i see 188 downloads for the patch.. I hope its a good server.:)
  17. The idea is good..but u should use IL client..not Freya -.- In Freya u have a lot of things that make some classes more powerfull than others,when u have same gear..
  18. and in olympiad SoulHound should spam /socialdance to win matches right? Nice Balance GM..rlly nice...don't u think decreasing the power would be wrong? why don't u decrease power on Hurricane,Proeminence,Hydro Blast and Death Spike? Server is good but GM hasn't got that much of experience..
  19. why normal scroll rate is 66%(low) and Blessed 100%? At least Blessed scrolls are hard to obtain or in 3 hours u have full +16? EDIT: Where are newbies supposed to farm ?? ?? ??.... And the PvP reward area is a big joke...only PvP botting at night :) EDIT 2: New ppl(every1 is new cus server is new) don't have a decent place where to farm for those kail gold/silver/etc, How we make items if mobs don't drop ur custom currency ? Could u add some custom farming zones pls?
  20. Nice features..can u tell me what items are in shop?
  21. I wanted to show u how u get pk from noobs that don't let newbies lvl...u newbies.. I am not complaining about dmg..i said ''GZ'' to the guy that pked a lvl 74 w/o jwls and said: ''No Mercy'' Pr0 Server..Rp0 players..
  22. what about 0 ppl online?:S Is this server new or is it dead and u trying to revive it? EDIT: i downloaded ur updater..after i make the update(1file) it doesn't do anything..the game doesn't start..maybe thats why u have 0 ppl on. :|
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