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  1. Hi guys, I have a big problem in my server. I have the server time perfect, as the machine time but the current time is bugged or something. Because if i put siege dates the 19/04/2020, the castle manager show siege date other day and another hours. If i as admin i change siege date in admin panel, the castle manager continue show other date/hour. I don't know how fix it, i need that current time or in this case, the castle manager show siege date taking server time not current time.
  2. If we agree a price and not pay me the amount we agreed, I am scammer?
  3. Still avaiable!
  4. Hello!! I am interested in selling my account NAIA official server, the character is ISS ENCHANTER 85, has 20 million adena and is equipped with Grade R (dual blunt, armor and jewelry). Price of account: 50€ P.S: Skype name: constant.90/ E-Mail: rest_dj@@hotmail.com / If you don't trust me please do not contact with me. Thanks!
  5. Hello!! I am interested in selling my account NAIA official server, the character is ISS ENCHANTER 85, has 20 million adena and is equipped with Grade R (dual blunt, armor and jewelry). P.S: Skype name: constant.90/ E-Mail: rest_dj@@hotmail.com / If you don't trust me please do not contact with me. Thanks!
  6. This person agreed with me that a certain amount of money on selling me a FULL Datapack GOD, when I bought this pack, missing everything, I went to implement it myself and told me if I wanted the source of pack, I had to give 40euros more. I promised a month of free updates, and income all the money, he said he had not received the confirmation email from paypal had not arrived. Phone call to Paypal and they confirmed that everything was correct. THIEF!
  7. http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/1346/c363e4012adc98a4104b0a5.jpg[/img] Password: l2server.org Download!
  8. Please, fix the dual sword because the hell blade not show and fix the icons for weapons!
  9. Thanks!!! I will test this and after i will post here with results!
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