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Everything posted by Valve

  1. old udyr = godlike old twitch = beyond godlike old ryze = killing spree old twisted fate = dominating old jax = WTF? can't touch me
  2. I got google chrome too, but still won't load
  3. on what project is based ? :o edit: btw nice xp rate, 1kk
  4. http://support.orb.com/docs/newgen/caster.html And from what I read you need to pay :)
  5. some years ago joined a IL server, all fine on website... x500 customs fine.. when joined I saw I had 5912932193 HP/MP/CP lol :D
  6. pm me AkMaKaReNa96 to help you, I had same problem and I fixed it myself
  7. This should be sticky to allow people find easier what they need
  8. So I found these zariche duals http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=64395.0 did all things with client / server and at the end I wanted to add sql to navicat, but when I execute it... gives me error : Any suggestions ? Edit: forgot to mention... it's c6 Edit2: just realised that I downloaded CT2 files... ( second link ) but I clicked on 1st link and interlude files no longer available Topic can be locked
  9. it's down ... anyway using another project wich had rar's ... working fine now :)
  10. yes... after that I requested help so Fanky logged on my pc via teamviewer and did the same thing but ... he was like WTF! no .rar files ! lol... so I told him better put another project :)
  11. I know them very well and I post according to them so when I posted something that I didn't knew, I re-edited it with solution and after posted another error
  12. How about posting a solution instead of spaming with useless info
  13. ok, fixed that thing now come into a more strange thing ...
  14. ? edit: aaa lol figured out what I did wron :D I should have left clean when I created new connection and after I should have opened the connection and clicked New Database and name it acis :P
  15. Ok, after did all, I end up at the point of database_installer.bat some help ? :)
  16. I got a question, after I compiled with eclipse I got into my workspace I got these folders After that from http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50068.0 Extract... don't see any winrar archive :) some help ? Edit: nvm, I find it myself :)
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