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Everything posted by Valve

  1. I know that all of you got mobile phones with the OS mentioned above and all want some premium stuff that you just don't want to pay for it from market or other places. So I am sugesting to make an section especially for that where we will do shares related to that ( I got many shares to do also ) So, just vote :)
  2. Just finished AC:Revelations, it was really great game, can't wait for AC 3 to see what will do Desmond furthermore and regarding the Multiplayer it's also great because you need to assasinate others while other people which you don't know them needs to assasinate you. I recommend it :)
  3. C++ Language Tutorial Introduction Instructions for use Basics of C++ Structure of a program Variables. Data types. Constants Operators Basic Input/Output Control Structures Control Structures Functions (I) Functions (II) Compound Data Types Arrays Character Sequences Pointers Dynamic Memory Data Structures Object Oriented Programming Classes (I) Friendship and inheritance Polymorphism Advanced Concepts Templates Namespaces Exceptions Type Casting Preprocessor directives C++ Standard Library Input/Output with files P.S : Tags and Coding of this guide are made by me
  4. When you scan it normally it's clean but that .exe it's made to redirect you to an malware site with .exe there that it's infected. A mod close this topic and delete link.
  5. for newbies I suggest cs4 and here are some tutorials : http://photoshoptutorials.ws/
  6. Now downloading Game of Thrones season1... anyone saw it?
  7. GW2 because I played both beta's and GW2 seemed to me the best game
  8. I will respond only to problems related to C++ and not C#/Pascal/Java.
  9. Tried that but I don't get any email from them.
  10. Not true, there are many players who play FPS games, you just don't know it because you not interested in it ;)
  11. I have forgotten my pass from my lol account. Anyone knows how I can retrieve it? It's on EU West
  12. "Cel sarac munceste - Cel bogat il exploateaza - Militarul ii apara pe amandoi - Contribuabilul plateste pentru toti trei - Vagabondul se odihneste pentru toti patru - Betivul bea pentru toti cinci - Bancherul ii excrocheaza pe toti sase - Avocatul ii insala pe toti sapte - Doctorul ii omoara pe toti opt - Cioclul ii ingroapa pe toti noua - Politicianul traieste de pe urma tuturor celor zece."
  13. Good share, but you should have posted it here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=82.0 an gmod move it there.
  14. Sotia: Ai facut cumparaturile? Sotul: Bad command or filename. Sotia: Dar te-am rugat de dimineata… Sotul: Syntax Error. Abort? Sotia: Nici macar noul televizor? Sotul: Variable not found…. Sotia: Bine, da-mi cartea de credit, merg eu la cumparaturi… Sotul: Sharing Violation. Access denied! Sotia: Tu vorbesti serios, glumesti sau incerci sa ma enervezi? Sotul: Too many parameters.. Sotia: Cum de m-am maritat eu tocmai cu tine? Sotul: Data type mismatch. Sotia: Dar salariul cand il iei? Sotul: File in use… Try later. Sotia: Ma faci sa ma intreb… ce insemn eu pentru tine? Sotul: Unknown Virus.
  15. In the end it's his call, the people answers are just to take in consideration.
  16. I recommend Spartacus. Atm I'm waiting for season 3...in 2013
  17. Android because of the market and because all game devs will release their products only there because many people use android
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