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Everything posted by UnknownX

  1. the most possible winners for me: M5 tsm dignitas edit: nope it isnt korean
  2. who voted that sk will win? lol i want clg to win but i think m5 will
  3. you were playing alistar jungle and dask was playing mid ap nautilus
  4. it's very nice but you are getting bored of it fast
  5. one day i saw dask w/ finito at high elo spectate games they had a very bad ez
  6. Snoopeh & Elementz - Chin Ups with Froggen Loled so hard at 0:50
  7. Check these http://www.lolpro.com/guides/katarina/132-katarina-guide-mid-lane and http://www.youtube.com/ballubber that guy is so good
  8. i used too play him as solo top now i play him as a jungler
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