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Everything posted by ElGato

  1. Good job there mate! I just add it, and it's really really cool!! ty a lot!
  2. Αδύνατο τι με 900 τι με 1500 τι με 5000 δοκιμασα και δεν πιανει. Φιλε @ult7ras αν μπορεις να ανεβασεις ενα βιντεακι να δουμε πως τι κανεις και πιανει, θα μας ηταν πολυ χρησημο
  3. Yeah I have to agree in this part and also I vote Sonia and Subzero...
  4. Best survival game ever?? Ofcourse Left4Dead !! It's playable in LAN too!
  5. I agree with you, FallOut 3 It's really a good game but also too small
  6. my MSN: elgatonegro-xp-@hotmail.com
  7. SwordSinger with guitar?? haha LoL! The 1st video it's made by NCsoft??
  8. NFS Carbon and NFS most wanted the best series for me. I've played that games hundred of times...
  9. Nice work there man! Gratz!! RapidShare 4 ever! In my opinion it's the best share site.
  10. I use Vista Ultimate x64 GR SP1 and XP Pro x64 GR SP3 in my mid-range system. With many tweaks I've made them stable and fast but I choose XP cause I can run my(?!) L2j server, and they are a little bit faster than Vista...
  11. Yeah for 10year old it's a good game, and it has fun ! Come on men grow up!!....
  12. My answer at the momment it's NO, cause I haven't tried it (AION) yet. Lineage ][ still rocks and I'll keep playing it!!
  13. I prefer X50 max rate servers without Multiskills or Stuck-subclasses. 1 char with the skills of his class olny. p.s one of my favourite servers is EternalSin which it's going to interlude soon (www.es-l2.com)...
  14. Τέλος μάγκες !! ΕΓΩ είμαι ο "The King Of The Bests" εδω μέσα ... !!!!
  15. the King of the best it's ME !!!
  16. it works!! ty for the share bro
  17. l2pxh is better thn hLapex I think
  18. OMFG nice share !! P.S1 Killer_007 man can you help me , if you know , where can I get the L2jdatabase for a C1 server?? P.S2 ty a lot
  19. OMFG 200 posts.. :-\
  20. IG Walker and OOG are the same?
  21. doesnt work :(
  22. try it first guys and then post...
  23. it doesnt work :'(
  24. It sounds good ill give a try ty bro..
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