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Everything posted by djvogans

  1. Lucky wheel is start on Nanna for a limited period of time, good luck ! Read more about Lucky wheel you can in this thread - http://forum.lineage2dex.com/index.php?threads/7790/
  2. Baium tonight 4 sides pvp https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1132936400059488.1073741855.654983134521486&type=3 pvp in progress
  3. New event on Nanna x75 Collector of Medals of Honor! Medals of Honor - is a special currency for which you can buy items from NPC Nanna shop in any city. You can get these medals in two ways:take part in Team vs Team Event, which passes several times per day, or in the northern part of Blazing Swamp location. Team vs Team PvP event, for a victory in which you can get 60 Medals of Honor. To participate in the event your character must be level 60+, participation fee 3kk Adena. Event runs 7 times per day: 13:00 ; 16:00 ; 19:00 ; 21:00 ; 23:00 ; 01:00 ; 03:00 (+2 GMT) To sign up to participate in the event, after the announcement of the start of registration, type in chat .menu Blazing Swamp In the northern part of this location added a special area in which for killing monsters, you can get the Medals of Honor, enchants, life sotnes and surprise box. In this part of the Blazing Swamp was set PvP zone, monsters was significantly strengthened and raised to level 80! In this area there are also two RB Palatanos of Horrific Power and Kernon's Faithfull Servant Kelone they strengthened to 80 level, in addition to the standard drop for killing Raid Bosses can be obtained from 350 to 500 medals. Respawn time after the death of 12 hours. Chances of getting items for killing a monster: Medals of Honor 1-2 - 70% Surprise box - 0.5% EWS - 0.5% EAS - 0.5% TOP LS 76 lvl - 0.5% HG LS 76 LVL - 0.5% LS 76 lvl - 0.5% TOP LS 70 - 1% HG LS 70 - 1% LS 70 - 1% When you open a Surprise Box you have a chance to get one item from this list: 20kk adena ; BlessEWS ; BlessEAS ; EWS ; EAS ; EAA ; EWA ; Top LS 76 1-3 ; High LS 76 1-3 ; Potions ATTENTION: Event will be available for at least one week, your comments and suggestions on the development of Event you can post in this thread: http://forum.lineage2dex.com/index.php?threads/8506/ Русская версия Brazilian version
  4. Live sieges : https://www.twitch.tv/sharky2xyz siege day 1 : br wins over ru
  5. Worst part about apache ant is that he still exist and do servers . Players never learn eglobal was always www.la2.gr . Never other address
  6. online number is not far from site number . you must understand that site use login details . online = 1 , offline = 0 and he counts . you get crit error , login server still see you as online . Hope you got the idea . Dex never used online status till new site . Was always a bad idea , but we get 100001 pm each day about this subject .
  7. Game is played inside not on site. :)
  8. Priest of Dawn ONE AT A TIME PLEASE Poor guy.
  9. Dear community, We're opening another event today! Create a promotional video for our server and be one of the winners. Key words: Lineage2Dex.com, Nanna x75, Midrate Craft-server. There will be just one single winner for this event, the prize is 30 Euro for the best promotional video. L2Dex staff members will judge which video is classified as the best video and we will announce the who is the lucky winner. http://forum.lineage2dex.com/index.php?threads/8385/
  10. it will be nonsense . 1/3 of server players are latin american players . If you believe about paid clans then its your problem . The bonuses are offered for 3 castles , each siege .
  11. Dear community, Lineage 2 Dex staff organize a unique event based on real money prize. Yes you read well, we're willing to pay the winners, our community is bigger and bigger everyday so the competition is pretty high, all clans have their chance to take our prizes, it's all about you and how you plan your strategy. Register your clan on the following Sieges and fight for your chance! Winners will take our prize every two weeks when the Siege Castle Event is organized. Prize list: Aden Castle - worths 100 Euro Rune Castle - worths 70 Euro Giran Castle - worths 30 Euro Good luck!
  12. With those kind of posts i guess none hires you soon :) Keep going
  13. if we had 300 online , your master wont pay you to spam our topic . wonder what will happent when he wont or cannot pay idiots like you . Maybe you got lucky and tales hires you
  14. Dont worry , there are enought players . Hope you realise that mxc forum = 40-50 viewers max . But thank you for your concern.
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