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About joda313

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  1. There are lots, just people are not willing to share, since botting and selling adena for $$$ can be a profitable buisness. Having a bot that is not public and obtainable for 10$ makes it a lot harder for bot-protection developers to detect and even when they do its mostly not that hard to bypass. Also with some basic knowledge of the game you could probably make adrenaline work Or just pay a developer for a custom made bot... normally costs bout 500$$ and you could get scammed or discovered the next day, but if you have a clan of 50 it might just be worth it
  2. Was thinking of coming here but with every next offensive comment that the GMs make I feel less attracted to it :) anyway
  3. Can hardly wait :) any news??
  4. Dissapointed... I needed 10 min to create a character because of the lag and the second i was able to log in i died at the lvl up zone as someone was killing every noob that spowned. I came back and tried to kill a mob but i died because they are too strong. The next time i came back i succeded but died to the same idiot that was killing noobs at the spown. Dont know anything else about this server because I closed it up the next second. GJ
  5. Looks interesting :) will give it a try :)
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