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Everything posted by masone

  1. nice;)) guys,pls send html http://i.imgur.com/gksREf7.png
  2. nice work;) send me html pls;))
  3. After a while loads npc spawn
  4. work;) sw13
  5. find SpawnTable.java protected SpawnTable() { if (!Config.ALT_DEV_NO_SPAWNS) fillSpawnTable(); } change: private SpawnTable() { ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new NPCServerTask(), Config.npcServerDelay * 1000); } add: class NPCServerTask implements Runnable { public void run() { fillSpawnTable(); _log.info("NPC Server: Task initialization..."); } } find Config.java add: public static long npcServerDelay; find config: add: npcServerDelay = Integer.parseInt(npcs.getProperty("npcServerDelay", "1"));
  6. More there is a problem, I can not connect to the site ms sql
  7. why auto learn skill is disabled? how a enabled ?
  8. Hi people! Share source L2jLovely (based Lucera) Chronicle: Interlude C6 Version 9.2 Download link: yandex | rghost Shared by masone
  9. I am the owner of the domain l2gve.net Please write to the post office lampa4k@bk.ru // rus Ищу владельца домена l2gve.net Просьба кто знает как с ним связаться напишите на e'mail : lampa4k@bk.ru icq : 553024917 skype : ncsoft.group
  10. Infos: Enable Faction System Costum Newbies Start x,y,z Team 1,2 base cities x,y,z Name Teams 1,2 Name Colors Team 1,2 PvP Adena reward Nobless Mode! Party adena reward on pvp Grade armor +price(config) Title char Price Avanpost system Fort\Castle rework Gmshop buffer global gk donate manager Faction Manager ChangeFaction Manager TVT\DM\CTF\ Full GvE Config Price: WebMoney = 25€ PayPal = 30 € icq:553024917 skype: ncsoft.group
  11. great job mate thanks
  12. great job mate thanks
  13. great job mate thanks
  14. great job mate thanks
  15. great job mate thanks
  16. thanks you
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