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Everything posted by Voqus

  1. how would u know what he means? maybe he wants to implement l2j infinity updates to l2j and so on.. there's none of ur concern about it..
  2. you can do it Oh and something more. Do not double post(Rules) :/
  3. since as u said u have low knowledge of java being public doesnt mind you at all... but if u really have a problem about it.. try xpdev..
  4. o xristos kai h mana tou... opoios exei problem dld prepei na kanei pm b1ggboss/matim/intrepid/xAddytsu k poion 3erw egw ti? gt na tous kaneis pm??? search! 100ades topic xamena http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=73559.0 8es sta ellhnika? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=92133.0 gt tous xreiazese? kane post edw...
  5. that means your looking for a proj to join... here's my advice... Learn java first by tutorials, videos Setup an svn by ur own(www.assembla.com) upload files of ur l2 client i'd say interlude since ur a beginner from l2jfree or l2j... and start practising..
  6. well so far this program is to make a jar file to .exe file but how to make .java file to .jar??
  7. The title explains everything i think... so how i gonna do it? is there any tutorial about this? bcz i didnt find any... Thanks in advance.
  8. as i said i wanted to be simple and easy not to make a program with 300 lines ^^. Anyway, ill add it update new pics and explain it a bit.. bcz as u said the graphics becoming cooler :)
  9. there are only in korean servers... till they come in NA months will pass xD
  10. cannot explain any better... your a translator for albanian or something...
  11. Gee, i just jizzed in my panties.. :o this update will be EPIC! Looking forward to it.
  12. Well the effect ur asking for is AbnormalEffect.VITALITY.getMask(); you can take a look how it works at pack com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets file CharInfo.java
  13. Hello maxcheater members, this is my first tutorial, so be gentle :o Ill show ya an example of what u can do with JFrame create a new class, name it how you want. Create another class as well and name it how u want once again. Info: %s : displays a string. import javax.swing.UIManager; and javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo; are meant to improve graphics of layouts. import javax.swing.JFrame; and import java.awt.FlowLayout; those imports are for the layouts import javax.swing.JTextField; creating textfield import javax.swing.JPasswordField; creating a passwordfield import java.awt.event.ActionListener; and java.awt.event.ActionEvent; those imports are for creating Events. import javax.swing.JOptionPane; and at the end JOptionPane is import to display MessageDialogs InputDialogs ConfigDialogs Options and so on Program Photos:
  14. Read the rules do not post more than one posts in a row. @ add some screens or type info for each character.
  15. thx for the undig douchebag. September 03, 2009 last post. if any error with this post at [Request] Dev Help [L2J] En or [Request] Dev Help [L2J] Gr
  16. La8os topic.. tespa.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28059.0
  17. whats that supposed to mean?
  18. re file pas kala? 1on ayto to topic einai apo March 19, 2009..... kai 2on ta hero weapons einai hdh perasmena sto pack p exeis....wtf
  19. 1.des ta return apo __init__.py kai fixareto... 2.apla grapsto esy sumfwna me ta prohgoumena an eisai beginner... h apla an den mporeis tipota apo ta parapanw... allakse buffer....
  20. to forum exei kana 500 l2j prec pack full apo prot... sto katw katw 8es interlude, opote psa3e k katebase l2j archid p exei full protection...
  21. cmon... there are billions of those exploits just use the search button...
  22. Get real re man... anoixe ton mono s ti ton 8es ton developer... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=145109.0
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