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About mircowwwa

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  1. he said me that Source is not for sell ...
  2. Hi all, i'm looking for Facebook Likes and comments reward for l2j h5 or interlude also,or a sort of code that i can adapt. anyone can help me? Thx all.
  3. Yeah according with Claww L2Tales is FandC source customized in some parts from server to client so what you need? -Contact Claww and buy FandC Source -Contact a Developer and customze your source after that contact straind and mody client with a onique GUI and Website -Finally you have to spend a lot of money for ads ANNDDDD BOOOM NEW SERVER L2 H5 LIKE TALESSSS!! XD
  4. Hello everyone. I'm looking for a good and skilled developer to create a unique community board . For those interested add me on skype: smord1994
  5. Hi all,i WTB a healer 88-89 in naia server on www.lineage2.com also with normal equip. if yo ucan help me add me on skype: smord1994 thx all and have a good day :)
  6. I mean send mail with attached items in game from php is is possibile? the e-mails are internal not external
  7. yes i understand but the problem is that how can i send the mail while gameserver is running? how can i write in java? and where? thx for your time man ^^
  8. cau you explain me better? i can't understand sorry because when i send a mail prom php,i write it on sql but java server how can take it and send in game instantly?? thx
  9. Hi all,its possibile to send via PHP a game e-mail in l2j h5? Because i try to put SQL row in mail table but need to restart server,what java file i have to edit for refresh mail system for send from PHP? THX all.
  10. ppls don't understand that is open beta :P no need wipe after open bena and this server it's ava or staff like,it's indipendent server!
  11. Lol but mans do u read on siste and facebook this is OPEN beta,server is near opening,only this beta is for make normal game experience and bring ppl for grand opening READD!!!!!!
  12. Hi all i need help from mxc developer users for fix this bug,when i try to enter on one of the delusion chambers nothing happend,however script can understand if it's leader or if you are in party,what i can do?
  13. This server is NOT l2ava :P
  14. I wrote a post about this some days ago,cartel averia tales etc is corruped and don't permit to other server to grow up,so it can be logic that admins of other server can have players only with similar features,i played lineage from c2 and i see generation of server,i think and this is MY OPINION that world without Cartel or tales it will be better.
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