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About RedRidinghood

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  1. Draco set and arcana mace And it's draConic,stop it with the dragonic..learn to read...
  2. by any chance you sell items on dex?if yes tell me what you have and prices.
  3. I have to ask...since when death wispher on nuker? Stronger m crits or what?:))
  4. probably i'll try it..but in my opinion it will kinda suck compared with the other cronicles.Love c4:)
  5. just because i like more p atack than p def.I t is just my opinion as i said before
  6. The guide comprehends everything that should be said...but seriously..it looks really bad maybe make some sort of lists.For example at Increasing Caravan Relation Level when you say the tomes transfor in...add the fhp,fsp and dc one under another with bullets. The same thing(bulleting) could be done at each subtitle and the image at the end of it. This are just some tips,not sure if it would look better...but in my mind it does:))
  7. good guide but i'd go for Plated Leather at C(+4str ftw)...and in tactics trick and switch(about which you didn't said too much)are a must. Maybe you could add the name of each skill(not a necesity but looks better)and lure i don't think it should be put under pvp skills:)
  8. usefull guid,but as it has been said before,descriptions would be nice..and trying to make it more user friendly would be great(i mean FS img+name+code in one row).It would save a lot of space and people would be able to browse through them more easily
  9. usefull guid,but as it has been said before,descriptions would be nice..and trying to make it more user friendly would be great(i mean FS img+name+code in one row).It would save a lot of space and people would be able to browse through them more easily
  10. pretty good but you could add some tips,like what certification skills are most usefull for each class.I think it would be pretty usefull for newbies
  11. good guide,but maybe you could add some strategys on pvps(1vs1/party vs pary)/oly
  12. Great guide but in my opinion you could be more detaliated at which armors/when to use them And at pvp vs archer..i don't think seal of bindind is the best way to fight him...i mean I think it's better winter/despair/drain...but everyone with his own strategy,and equip:) Overall good job!
  13. exists only in some servers,definitly not on official
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