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Everything posted by HardCoreIV

  1. I played for an hour and I got to say its pretty boring, real basic like every c6 server that opens nowdays, I give it max a month or two for it to die.
  2. λοιπον, εχω ενα Aux/Aux καλωδιο και θελω να ηχογραφησω ηχο απο το iPhone στο Pc μου, προσπαθησα με FL Studio αλλα δεν μπορεσα να το κανω. γινεται η τζαμπα προσπαθω?
  3. Νομιζω τα ειπες ολα, ευχαριστω, οντος αυτο ετυχε και σε εμενα, πληρωσα 50 ευρω και μου εδωσε ενα ματς 1/2 εβαλα εκει αλλα 30 ευρω και πηρα 700. μετα καυλωσα και στο επομενο ματς μου ζητησε 250 ευρω και αλλα 250 για οταν νικησω το ματς, του τα εδωσα μεσα στην καυλα μου γιατι μου μιλησε για πολυ καλες αποδοσεις και ειπε πως θα μου δωσει δυο ματς και πως θα βγαλω πολλα λεφτα, αλλα οταν του εδωσα τα λεφτα μετα μου ζητησε και αλλα... και... τωρα ειμαι μιον. δεν ξανα ασχολουμε!
  4. sigoura mages? gt psaxnomai
  5. Εχει κανεις καμια εμπειρια με στημενα ματς? απο που αγοραζετε και ποσο εμπιστοι ειναι?
  6. what are you on mate? what is it that you want exactly?
  7. What armor and weapon should i buy for a soul breaker lvl 52, lvl 62, lvl 76 ? Also if you could share with me some PVE Dyes or PVP. Thanks
  8. skyrimish? is that a self promote? i heard cerberus was the best l2dc server
  9. Has fandc have anything to do with dc?
  10. Im probably some years late now, but screw it :alone: Whats the fuss about L2DC? why do people keep saying that it is so darn good? i cant find anything about it, can you bring up some facts? who's developing it? is it really the best? what chronicle is it? Basically, L2DC General Discussion. O0
  11. dwkimase na mpeis me allo pexti, an mporeis tote exeis kanei kapoio lathos sta config tn buffs
  12. maybe its some sort of protection?
  13. I want To Village button to work as it is, The thing that im asking is for an other button to appear bellow to village that will respawn you in pi. If someone could do it id appreciate it, you can replace clanhall button or to castle button i aint having those. but they should appear without having a castle or a clan hall :D
  14. For it to work, Doesnt it need some sort of touching in the code?
  15. You mean the one inside zones.xml? It's id is 55555 it's an arena type with a cuboid shape, spawn x 10468 spawn y : -24569 spawn z : -3645 Do I have to make an other one if I want it to spawn me in a different spot kinda like randomly? If yes the id will be 55551.
  16. Request restart -> http://pastebin.com/gMwfvwGg Die -> http://pastebin.com/3kcMk0ge
  17. Hello, I've been looking everywhere for something like this but there wasn't anything, at least something close to it. What I want is a code that, when the player dies. A box appears below To Village and when you click it, it respawns you to primeval island, (the infamous pvp area) and that's it. A plus would be if the respawns would happen randomly in two spots of pi and back and forth. I'm using Hellas 505 Thank you
  18. Pch... I'm hopeless. Java is so difficult! And I have no patience! Lock this! :(
  19. What I'm trying to achieve is to create a button that when you click it, it's gonna give you an amount of buffs, I'm sure you've seen a buffer that has a Mage or Fighter button, that's the idea, can I do that over html only or do I need to know how to Java and use eclipse? If yes (html) how will the line look like, For example I want this bypass -h npc_buffer_buff 4343 1 bypass -h npc_buffer_buff 4344 1 bypass -h npc_buffer_buff 4348 1 (To give me all of the above with one click) Or should I forget the idea, (thinking about floods) Thanks.
  20. You can look for an xml file called accesslevels everything u need to know is inside there, otherwise check every config until you find that one line that's speaks about access level, it usually asks you what number you want in, or you can use the default. Plus. When changing the access levels from the Character's table you have to Restart/Relogin and then stay on the lobby until you've done the process.
  21. You don't just open the ports from your firewall and you're done, you have to get into your internet's homepage and forward the ports there too. To find your internet provider's homepage you have to open cmd and type ipconfig and it somewhere there.
  22. Can someone link me a buffer, any buffer that has a scheme (ex Fighter, Mage) buffs that is in .java and not in .python? Thanks
  23. now that i think about it, i've seen this here before...
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